Marcel Ciolacu went to the Military Hospital after being wounded at the conference. It was tested for COVID-19


The President of the Chamber of Deputies requested the SMURD ambulance at first instance. Within minutes, his team canceled the request.

Dr. Bogdan Opriţa told us that the SMURD car did not even manage to go to the PSD headquarters, where Marcel Ciolacu was injured, because the doctors were informed that there was no need to get there.

Instead, the acting president went to the hospital in his personal car, a few minutes after he was about to pass out during the conference he held at PSD headquarters.

Because Marcel Ciolacu also has the position of President of the Chamber of Deputies, he can benefit from medical services at the Dr. Carol Davila Central Emergency Military Hospital in the Capital, as provided by the protocol concluded by this hospital and SPP .

What happens to Marcel Ciolacu in the hospital?

As with any patient who comes to the Military Hospital for treatment, doctors will evaluate Marcel Ciolacu to determine if the dignitary is infected with Covid or not.

In such a case, where there is a suspicion of a stroke, the medical protocol involves several types of investigations. Therefore, Marcel Ciolacu could do brain computed tomography, electrocardiogram, blood tests, and markers of coronary heart attack.

Since the president of the Chamber of Deputies was able to get out of the car on foot and it was not known that he had other health problems, the existence of a simple lipothymia is not excluded. The doctors of the Military Hospital will carry out all the necessary investigations and present today a report related to their state of health.

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