Marcel Ciolacu shoots Prime Minister Orban with a cannon: ‘It can’t be helped, but the government is not reorganized’ – News from sources


PSD president Marcel Ciolacu said on Wednesday that one of the things that “judges” Prime Minister Ludovic Orban is that he has not carried out any government reorganization since November last year.

“One of the things that I am judging Orban at the moment is that he does not have the ability to make a difference since November last year, when he arrived with the first government, although the second government is the same, the challenges that came after March with this pandemic and the impossibility of changing according to the needs and priorities of the Romanians. You cannot do any government reorganization and continue with the people who kept us at home for 60 days, after 60 days we do not prepare the hospitals., we maintain schools closed for 6 months, we open them because we have local elections and then we close them again. There is no prevention, there is no vision, in addition, we have distanced ourselves from everything that is happening in Europe, the decisions that are made in Europe, where For example, schools stayed open, schools were open during the war, no one has allowed themselves until now, “Ciolacu told Adevărul Live.

The health system is down! Romania, tail in the European Union

He added that PSD supports the opening of schools with rapid tests of teachers and support staff and a partnership with local authorities on special public transport for children.

“The easiest thing when you can’t close is to go to work instead of looking for solutions. Why did the markets close? If you closed them, weren’t the supermarkets overcrowded? (…) It is a matter of logic, we had to ask the mayors to create more flying markets, to spread the word to the people so that the virus is not spread “, he mentioned.
