Marcel Ciolacu presented the PSD economic restart program: we passed it on to Iohannis and the Government – News from sources


Acting PSD President Marcel Ciolacu presented the “Restart Romania” program, a package with 28 economic recovery measures. Ciolacu claims that this program is turnkey and PSD is given to Klaus Iohannis and the Liberals as they only have to implement it. While presenting this program, Marcel Ciolacu passed out and the press conference was interrupted. SEE THE MOMENT HERE

Also read: Ministry of the Interior: Under what conditions can we travel outside the town, after May 15?

The Social Democratic Party is coming today with the “Restart Romania” program, which includes a first package of economic recovery measures.

There are short and medium term measures.

There are economic support shock measures to protect the income of the Romanians. for vulnerable families and the business environment.

These are measures that we have discussed with unions, employers, employers and other political parties.

Iohannis and the PNL government were unable to come up with such a clear and concrete plan.

We give you this ready-made project! you just have to implement it. We are here to help and support you. We do not want this sterile political fight that does not help the Romanians at all.

We have a package of 28 economic and social measures that has four fundamental objectives: to maintain the purchasing power of the population. restart the economy. labor protection and economic incentives.

We have a package of 28 measures that will guarantee the immediate resumption of economic activity for the sectors most affected by the COVID crisis. sectors that represent more than 45 billion euros.

We are talking about 20% of GDP and 1 million health jobs. Tourism. Hospitality. The Agriculture. automotive or appliance industry. Everything would start working right away!

It is a package of measures that can be financed 50 percent with national funds and 50 percent with European funds and will cost less than 8 percent of GDP. much less than what all the surrounding states allocate. But there are well-targeted measures. They are primarily intended to unlock the economy. secondly to stimulate the economy. and last but not least, to reduce the tax burden for a specified period.

Presentation of economic and social measures of the PSD.

1. PSD supports employers who resume their activities and re-employ Romanians who lost their jobs during the state of emergency and for those who returned to the country

(1) A reintegration incentive is established for the amount of 2,250 lei / month granted to employers who employ people whose employment ended during the state of emergency or people who repatriated as of March 1, 2020, for a period 12 months, subject to the obligation for the person concerned to remain in employment for at least one more year from the date of termination of the grant and provided that the same employee does not benefit from the same measure from more than one employer within from the same period. A reintegration incentive of 1000 lei / month is established for people whose labor relations were suspended during the state of emergency. The reintegration incentive is granted for a period of 3 months from the month following the entry into force of this law. The funds necessary to guarantee the reintegration incentive come from the budget of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection through the Agency of the National Employment Agency (ANOFM), as well as from non-reimbursable European funds.

2. PSD supports works

(2) The payment of the tax related to income from wages and income assimilated to wages as defined in Law 227/2015 of the Tax Code with subsequent modifications and complements made during the emergency period, for a period of 3 months , beginning with the effective date of this law, at the same time that it grants a 10% bonus to taxpayers who understand that they do not have access to the reprogramming option established by this law. The facility applies only to taxpayers who maintain existing jobs on 03/01/2020 or create new jobs, except for large taxpayers. Those who earn income from copyright also benefit from the conditions presented.

3. PSD protects the purchasing power of the population

(3) The Government of Romania will define the vulnerable consumer before July 1, 2020, prepare and put into operation an aid plan for them in accordance with the provisions of art. 5 of Directive 2019/944 / EU on common rules for the internal market in electricity of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 June 2019, and amending Directive 2012/27 / EU

4. PSD supports low-income families and medical personnel

(4) A support allocation of 700 lei / month is established for households with incomes up to 1,500 lei and 300 lei / month for households with income from 1,501 lei up to 2,000 lei / month. The maintenance subsidy is granted for a period of three months from the first month of the month following the entry into force of this law. The amounts provided are not taxable and come from the state budget. The money will be given in the form of coupons and can only be spent on the purchase of medicines and food.

(5) As of June 1, 2020, income earned by family doctors will be exempt from tax. An incentive is established to support qualified personnel at the level established by Law no. 153/2017, with subsequent amendments and supplements, for at least one employee, nurse, incentive to be provided from the state budget

(6) The “Emergency medical services for all” program is established. By the end of 2020, the population will have guaranteed access to emergency services by providing centers equipped with ambulances, covering a maximum radius of 30 km. Each emergency center will receive a non-reimbursable aid of 150,000 euros for an ambulance and its equipment, as well as fuel expenses insurance for the ambulance, the driver’s salary and the staff of the family doctor’s offices for a maximum period of 4 years. Emergency centers will be established at the county level.

5. PSD unlocks the economy and reduces financial blocking and commercial credit by:

(7) The fiscal obligations registered on the date of entry into force of this law will be staggered for a period of 3 months, from the date of entry into force of this law, without calculating interest and penalties for late payments for this period. financial difficulty, proven by interim financial statements prepared for this purpose. A company with financial difficulties is considered to be a company that records a decrease in billing of at least 15% in March 2020 compared to the same period in 2019, except those established after March 2019, which will relate to the latest 2 months of activity. A bonus of 5% of the tax obligation is granted to those who do not wish to benefit from the payment quota.

(8) Lines of credit are granted to cover temporary working capital deficits through state banks (CEC Bank, Eximbank), with a term of between 3 and 10 years, with interests between 0% and 50% of the IRCC shown by the National Bank of Romania, for individuals, for small and medium-sized enterprises (“SMEs”), individual companies, family associations, in order to stimulate the rapid return of the activity.

(9) Deliveries of goods and services, as well as the equivalent value of the works executed within the investment contracts, will be paid, within 10 business days from the date of receipt, by the administration authorities. public central and local, as well as by companies with state capital subordinated to them.

(10) The amounts provided in the requests for reimbursement of the indemnities for the medical license presented by the employer, will be settled, within 5 business days from their registration.

(11) The amounts to be reimbursed from the state budget are automatically compensated with the tax obligations due from the legal entities of the taxpayers, and by the amounts subject to compensation, if this was not done on the due date, ex officio, no accessories will be calculated.

(12) The payment of income tax, social contributions and local taxes is suspended until 31.12.2020, for the second quarter of the current year, for companies in the tourism, transport, public catering sector, construction and organizing companies. promotional events, dentists, lawyers, notaries, florists, hairdressers, personal hygiene salons, pastry chefs and pastry chefs, as well as any other economic operator that has ceased its activity, as a result of the establishment of a state of emergency, provided that the maintenance places. Existing work on 03.01.2020.

(13) For projects financed from the state budget, local budgets and / or European funds may modify or update the initial values ​​and quantities of products, services and works, if the beneficiary demonstrates a price fluctuation created by the effects COVID Global 19. The request will be made only for procurement procedures to begin and does not apply to procedures in progress or completed in the last 3 months, even if the product, service or work has not been provided. The differences in the amounts resulting from this cost update will be provided from the state budget, for projects financed by the government or locally and / or from European funds, reallocating the amounts resulting from the savings made to the previous calls, for projects financed by the EU. In justified situations, at the request of the ATU, cash loans are granted with interest subsidized by the state, amounting to a maximum of RON 140,000, for a maximum period of 24 months, exclusively for purchases of materials and services intended to combat the pandemic.

(14) Not all balance reserves used to grant salary payments will be taxed. Shareholders who use undistributed earnings or who forego distributed earnings as dividends for wages are exempt from any tax burden, up to a limit of six average monthly wages in that company.

(15) Employees can benefit from paid days off in advance that will be recovered in overtime, with the possibility of temporarily exceeding the limits imposed by current legislation.

(16) The budget of the National Single Fund for Health Insurance will cover all the expenses incurred by economic operators with specific materials to prevent the spread of the virus within a limit of 5% of the annual turnover of the previous year.

(17) The certified maximum limit to defer the payment of VAT at customs is reduced from the amount of 100,000,000 lei to the amount of 100,000 lei for the importation of medicines, protective equipment, other medical devices or equipment and sanitary materials that can be used. in prevention. , limit, treat and combat COVID.

6.PSD supports SMEs and young entrepreneurs by:

(18) The Ministry of Public Finance offers government guarantees, through FNGCIMM and FRC, within the programs of credit institutions for the purchase of accounts receivable from SMEs.

(19) The term for the implementation of projects financed by Start-up Nation 2018 is postponed until 12.31.2020, with the extension for a proportional period of the contracts in progress.

7.PSD supports exports through 100% state guarantees

(20) Government guarantees are granted to exporting companies to support their daily work, including technical unemployment. Eximbank will grant the guarantee schemes with a maximum limit of 5 billion lei and the possibility of guaranteeing up to 100% of the loan with an extended grace period without paying the installments within the grace period.

8. PSD supports Romanian agriculture

(21) Payment of fresh food by large chain stores to local suppliers will be made within 5 business days after the invoice is issued, respectively, 15 business days for other types of food.

(22) The Rural Credit Guarantee Fund (‘FGCR’) guarantees the guarantee of 100% of the projects declared eligible for European funds under the Agency for the Financing of Rural Investments (‘AFIR’), between April and December 2020 .

(23) The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development establishes a state aid plan for the additional payment per hectare / animal head for the year 2020 equivalent to the amount of the basic payment for the previous application year. The state aid scheme will be aimed at both farmers affected by unfavorable weather events and those who have suffered loss of income or additional costs due to the situation caused by the existence of Covid-19 in Romania. The maximum limit of the state aid scheme is 500 million lei and is provided from the state budget, through the budget of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

9. PSD encourages the immediate return of the transport sector and the automobile and household appliance production sector.

(24) The Ministry of Environment, Water and Forests, through the Environmental Fund Administration (“AFM”), will double the budget of the Classic Waste Program from 405 million lei to 910 million lei, which will be used only for vehicles purchased from local producers. The Rabla Plus program worth 140 million lei million lei by 2020 will be used only for purchases made by public institutions. Budget supplementation for this measure will be achieved through redistribution by AFM of budgets related to other programs.

(25) The Ministry of Environment, Water and Forests, through AFM, will increase the budget for the scrap program for household appliances from 30 million lei to 300 million lei. The money for this measure will be redistributed by AFM from other programs, which will be used only for the equipment of national producers.

(26) The payment of transport licenses, tolls, tolls established by the Romanian Highway Authority, bridge toll, due to transport companies, is suspended until 12.31.2020.

10. PSD encourages tourism in Romania

(27) Notwithstanding the provisions of art. 13 para. (6) of Government Ordinance no. 2/2018 on packages of travel services and associated travel services, as well as to amend some regulatory acts, for packages of travel services and associated travel services marketed before the decree of the state of emergency for 2020, if the termination of the contract It is made from due to the restrictions generated by Covid19 and the tourist does not accept another package or the reprogramming of the package, the contractual amount will become a voucher of nominal value, which the tourist will use for the same services initially contracted. The issuance of the nominal coupons will be carried out by the organizing agency of the tourist services package without additional costs. The validity of the vouchers issued will be until 31.12.2021. After 31.12.2021, if the voucher will not be used, the tourist is entitled to a refund of all payments related to the package, made by the tourist or by the intermediary agencies on behalf of the tourist to the organizing agencies, within the 14 days after expiration.

(28) The Investment Financing Program for the modernization and development of spas, hereinafter referred to as the Spa Program, was approved, financed entirely from the state budget, through the budget of the Ministry of Public Works, Development and Administration. The program benefits from a funding limit of € 1 billion over a 10-year period. The beneficiaries of the Spa Resort Program are the administrative-territorial units / subdivisions, hereinafter called ATU, and the companies established in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Law no. 31/1990, republished, with subsequent amendments and terminations. The objectives of the program are:

a) rehabilitation, modernization and development of transport infrastructure to facilitate access to the spa, in accordance with the law

b) rehabilitation, modernization and development of street and pedestrian infrastructure, c) modernization and expansion of public service infrastructure in the spa

d) construction, expansion and rehabilitation of spa treatment capacities, as well as catering and tourist accommodation capacities

e) construction, extension and rehabilitation of health, cultural, sports and leisure objectives, in accordance with the law

f) the acquisition, in order to develop the tourist activity, of real estate that is not used or that is not in operation with a tourist profile

g) the acquisition of equipment, furniture and specific medical devices for spa treatments.

h) the acquisition of means of transport for people, exclusively usable for tourist purposes

i) Construction of tourist information centers and their provision

j) other investment objectives that ensure the development of the respective spas

k) expenses related to the professional training of people with qualifications in the HORECA field and of people with medical-health training, as well as expenses for the newly created jobs for medical-health training personnel

Financing of the Spa Program is carried out in proportion to 50% of the eligible expenses provided in par. (1) and is granted in the form of a de minimis state aid scheme, up to a maximum of 200,000 euros for expenses related to economic activities. ”, Shown in PSD’s budget program.
