Map of the evolution of Covid-19 in the world. Romania, among the countries most affected in Europe by the second wave of the pandemic


The second wave of the coronavirus pandemic has affected more and more countries around the world, with the United States and Europe setting the highest records for SARS-CoV-2 virus infections.

As the United States has exceeded 10 million cases of Covid-19, all of Europe has become the epicenter of the pandemic, surpassing Latin America. 24% of the deaths caused by Covid were registered on the European continent.

Between November 2 and 9, 2020, 56,287 new cases were registered in Romania, which represents a new negative weekly record since the beginning of the epidemic in our country, highlights Agerpres. Likewise, in the same interval, on November 6, 2020, the highest number of cases were registered in 24 hours, respectively 10,260 and the highest number of deaths, respectively 146 (November 4) since the start of the pandemic in our country . And around the world, there is a continuing trend of increasing the number of specific cases and deaths in recent weeks.

The evolution of COVID-19 in Romania until November 9, 2020

As of November 9, 2020, 306,991 COVID-19 cases had been confirmed in Romania, with 3,240 more infections than the previous day. 206,793 patients were declared cured, according to the report of the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) of November 9, 2020, at 1:00 p.m.

In the last 24 hours, 130 people infected by the new coronavirus died, reaching the total number of deaths in Romania 8,009.

In specialized health units, the total number of people hospitalized with COVID-19 is 12,688. Of these, 1,076 were hospitalized in ATI.

As of November 9, 3,488,090 tests for SARS-CoV-2 infection had been processed nationwide. Of these, 11,445 were performed in the last 24 hours, 7,286 according to the case definition and medical protocol and 4,159 on request.

The counties with the highest cumulative incidence rates of COVID-19 cases in the last 14 days were: Sibiu (6.06 cases per 1000 inhabitants), Sălaj (6.59 cases per 1000 inhabitants), Cluj (6.34 cases per 1000 inhabitants). inhabitants), Timiş (6.25 cases per 1,000 inhabitants), Bihor (5.52 cases per 1,000 inhabitants), Alba (5.47 cases per 1,000 inhabitants), Bucharest (5.14 cases per 1,000 inhabitants), according to GCS.

Romania, 13th in Europe in the number of Covid infections

As of November 9, 2020, Romania remains 13th in Europe in the number of infections after France, Russia, Spain, United Kingdom, Italy, Germany, Poland, Belgium, Ukraine, Netherlands, Czech Republic, Turkey.

The evolution of COVID-19 in Romania between November 2 and 9, 2020: 56,287 new cases; between 86 and 146 new deaths per day

Between November 2 and 9, 2020, the number of confirmed positive cases with the new coronavirus increased to 306,991, from 250,704 on November 2, 2020.

The evolution of the cases between November 2 and 9, 2020, by days, was as follows: November 2: 4,041; November 3: 7,733; Nov 4: 8651; Nov 5: 9,714; Nov 6: 10,260; Nov 7: 9,937; November 8: 6,752; November 9: 3240.

The evolution of deaths at 24 hours, from November 2 to 9, ranged between 86 and 146.

Evolution of COVID-19 in Romania, by weeks: November 2-9, 2020, new negative records in terms of number of cases and deaths

Between November 2 and 9, there was a new negative weekly record of 56,287 cases.

Evolution of the number of cases per week: April 13-20 (about 2,300 cases); April 20-27 (around 2,400 cases); April 27 to May 4 (around 2,200 cases); May 4-11 (2,076 cases); May 11-18 (1,448 cases); May 18-25 (1,247 cases); May 25-June 1 (1,115 cases); June 1-8 (1,206 cases); June 8-15 (1,561 new cases); June 15-22 (2,126 cases); June 22-29 (2,291 cases); June 29 to July 6 (2,641 cases); July 6 to 13 (3,725 cases); July 13-20 (5,191 cases), July 20-27 (7,763 cases), July 27-August 3 (8,107 cases), August 3-10 (8,538 cases), August 10-17 (8,647 cases ); August 17-24: (8,136 cases), August 24-31 (8,210 cases), August 31 – September 7 (8,357 cases); August 7-14 (8,290 new cases); September 14 to 21 (9,402 cases); September 21-28 (10,355 cases); September 28 to October 5 (13,547 cases); October 5 to 12 (19,861 cases); October 12-19 (25,502 cases); October 19-26 (29,638 cases); October 26 to November 2 (38,212 cases); November 2-9 (56,287).

Regarding the total number of deaths, the situation per week is as follows: April 13 – 317; April 20 – 451; Apr 27 – 631; May 4 – 803; May 11, 972; May 18: 1,107; May 25: 1,193; June 1: 1270; June 8: 1334; June 15: 1,427; June 22: 1,523; June 29: 1,634; July 6: 1,768; July 13, 1901; July 20: 2,038; July 27: 2,206; August 3: 2,432; August 10: 2,729; August 17 – 3,029; August 24: 3,309; August 31: 3,621; September 7: 3,926; September 14: 4,185; Sep 21: 4,458; September 28: 4,748; October 5 – 5,048; Oct 12 – 5,467; October 19: 5,931; October 26 – 6,470; Nov 2: 7,153; November 9 – 8,009.

The evolution of COVID-19 worldwide in the last eight days and per week

More than 50,000,000 cases and around 1,250,000 deaths have been recorded as of November 9, 2020 worldwide.

Worldwide, in the last eight days, the number of confirmed cases increased by 3,933,278 cases, from 46,545,885 cases on November 2 to 50,479,163 cases on November 9 at 1:00 p.m., according to the map from Arcgis, produced by the Johns Hopkins Center for Systems Science and Engineering.

Of the total of 50,479,163 cases as of November 9, 2020, 1,257,253 were deaths. The death toll increased worldwide from 1,200,862 on November 2, to 1,257,253 on November 9, at 1 p.m., according to the cited source.

In the last 8 days, there has been a worldwide trend of increasing the number of cases and deaths in recent weeks.

The number of deaths (56,391) was, between November 2 and 9, 2020, higher than in the previous interval (46,159). In the previous weeks, the evolution of the deaths was as follows: about 35,000 deaths – May 11; about 32,000 deaths, on May 18; nearly 30,000 deaths – May 25; around 30,000 – June 2; about 30,000 deaths on June 9; about 27,000 deaths on June 15; about 34,000 deaths: June 22 and June 29; about 32,000 deaths, on July 6; 34,500 deaths – July 13, more than 37,000 deaths – July 20; over 42,000 deaths – July 27; more than 40,000 deaths: August 3 and August 10; some 44,000 deaths, on August 17; nearly 33,500 – August 24; 42,362 deaths – September 7; 34,903 deaths – September 14; 36,529 – September 21; 37,082 deaths – September 28; 39,483 deaths – October 5; 39,525 deaths – October 12; 36,827 deaths – October 19; 40,794 deaths – October 26; 46,159 deaths – November 2; 56,391 – November 9.

On November 9, 2020, at 1:00 p.m., in the top of the countries with the most reported infections, with more than 500,000 cases, were: United States (9,972,333 cases and 237,584 deaths), India (8,553,657 cases and 126,611 deaths), Brazil (5,664,115 cases and 162,397 deaths), France (1,835,187 cases and 40,490 deaths), Russia (1,781,997 cases and 30,546 deaths), Spain (1,328,832 cases and 38,833 deaths), Argentina ( 1,242,182 cases and 33,560 deaths), United Kingdom (1,195,350 cases and 49,134 deaths), Colombia (1,143,887 cases and 32,791 deaths), Mexico (967,825 cases and 95,027 deaths), Italy (935,104 cases and 41,394 deaths), Peru (922,333 cases and 34,879 deaths), South Africa (737,278 cases and 19,809 deaths), Germany (682,624 cases and 11,380 deaths), Iran (682,486 cases and 38,291 deaths), Poland (568,138 cases and 8,045 deaths), Chile (521,558 cases and 14,543 deaths). ), Belgium (500,789 cases and 13,055 deaths), indicates the Arcgis map, prepared by the Johns Hopkins Center for Systems Science and Engineering (November 9, 2020, 1:00 p.m.).

The situation of COVID-19 in the continents: America in first place, Asia in second place and Europe in third place

Regarding the distribution of COVID-19 by continent, on November 8, 2020, America ranks first (with about 21.7 million cases), Asia second (with about 14.1 million cases ) and Europe in second place. the third (with 12.1 million cases). Africa (1.8 million cases) and Oceania (about 45,000 cases), reports the website of the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC),

The first five countries with the most diseases in the American continent were, on November 8, 2020, the United States, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia and Mexico. In Asia, the top five countries reporting the most cases were, on November 8, 2020, India, Iran, Iraq, Indonesia and Bangladesh.

According to CEPD statistics, on the African continent, at that time, most cases were recorded in South Africa, Morocco, Egypt, Ethiopia and Tunisia.

The 5 countries in Europe with the most diseases were, at the same time: France, Russia, Spain, the United Kingdom and Italy, according to

The states with the fewest cases in Europe (less than 20,000) were, on November 9, at 1:00 p.m.: Vatican (27), Monaco (486), Liechtenstein (788), San Marino (1,043), Iceland (5,078), Andorra (5,383), Cyprus (5,987), Estonia (6,250), Malta (7,141), Latvia (8,065), Finland (17,797), etc., according to the Arcgis map.

Editing: Alexandra Andronie
