“Many irregularities are presumed with large sums of money. An LPF verification follows! “» What triggered the investigation


„On 11.17.2020, the ANAF control teams started a control in the Romanian Football Federation, following the information published in the public space. The documents are currently being analyzed and when this report is finished, we will make it public. “, was Cîțu’s statement on the Facebook page of the Ministry of Finance.

Initially, the press associated the control with the process that Progresul București, the club led by Tudor Iacov, Constantin Iacov’s brother, brought against the Federation. The president of the League 4 team claimed the FRF disaffiliation, reporting several irregularities that would have occurred in the forum led by Răzvan Burleanu.

The events were reported by the Progresul București football club, about the true beneficiary of that mandatory declaration that any NGO in this country must give, and here we are talking about FRF. In this statement, the federation had to specify who are the true beneficiaries of all the amounts that come to its power, and here I mean the money from FIFA, UEFA, even sponsorships, everything. I filed a complaint with DNA, because the people there took stock without the decision of the General Assembly. “, Jacob told Realitatea.

Authorized ANAF sources state, however, for Gazeta Sportulor that the reason for initiating the control was different:

“The control began last Tuesday, after FRF requested a two-day pass because the national team played an important game abroad. (Nr – departure from Northern Ireland). It all started from the fact that for several weeks in a row, on Realitatea TV, several Romanian football personalities spoke of many alleged irregularities in which there would be large sums of money.

Information from the respective television programs appeared in the minister’s press follow-up. At the same time, after the reconstitution of the Financial Risk Department within ANAF, in January 2020, based on the risk analyzes carried out by the department, it emerged that there are elements to initiate a control. The minister quickly asked to see the situation of various sports organizations, many of which have not been verified for years. The Romanian Football Federation has not been verified since 2014. The list of institutions to verify also includes the Professional Football League ”.

The control from FRF is carried out by an ANAF team made up of inspectors from the Fiscal Inspection and Anti-Fraud Directorate. According to the same source, the control could take another two weeks: “In parallel with the ANAF inspection, a UEFA audit is being carried out at the FRF headquarters. Usually the duration of such checks cannot be accurately predicted because various irregularities can be discovered along the way.” .

In the last month, several soccer people appeared on Realitatea TV, including former FRF employees, who accused financial irregularities committed by the federation led by Răzvan Burleanu. Among them, Marcel Paraschiv, Florin Prunea, Tudor Iacov, Dumitru Dragomir and Marcel Pușcaș.

How FRF reacted

After Minister Cîțu announced the control, the FRF management issued a press release:

Following the announcement by Mr. Florin Cîțu, Minister of Public Finance, about a fiscal control, the Romanian Football Federation expresses its full willingness to work with ANAF to carry it out.
The action is simplified by the fact that FRF has implemented transparent financial-accounting procedures in the last six years through detailed annual reports, through the digitization of financial processes (ERP & BI), through the introduction of the exclusive electronic payment system for the traceability of any transaction, through the creation of internal procedures. for acquisitions, as well as through all ISO 9001 mechanisms regarding quality management of administrative processes.
At the same time, we remind you that the Romanian Football Federation has established its own control mechanisms through internal audit, external audit carried out by Deloitte Romania and a special audit of the use of external funds carried out by BDO LLP London.
The Romanian Football Federation has been implementing the principles of good governance since 2014, over time becoming a regionally recognized model of good practice.

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