Manuela Hărăbor, desperate message for her sick son: …


“My dear ones. I am facing a serious problem. Andrei is being treated with Rivotril 2 mg and the Ministry of Health has stopped importing this medication. Without prior notice and without replacing it with a similar medication. I need help and I am now talking to friends who live in another European country where prescriptions are accepted in Romania. But also from other countries, maybe they know psychiatrists or neuropsychiatrists who could help me. I only need one bottle of Rivotril 2 mg per month. The active substance appears in the prescription and it lasts two months. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! “, he wrote Manuela Hărăbor on the Facebook page.

In 2015 Actress Manuela Hărăbor won the war with Dan Chişu. The magistrates decided that, although the director refused to recognize his son diagnosed with autism, he is obliged to contribute financially to the maintenance of the child. Chişu will pay a monthly maintenance pension in the amount of 3,000 lei.

For many years, actress Manuela Hărăbor has been struggling to involve Dan Chişu in the upbringing of her son, Andrei. He fought for more than 10 years in child support court and won. Andrei is now 24, but being diagnosed with autism still needs special care, and the actress makes huge sacrifices, according to Romania TV.

The relationship between the director. Dan Chişu and actress Manuela Hărăbor It was brief but intense, and the fruit of their love was Andrei. After the birth, because the director refused to acknowledge paternity, the actress was forced to raise her son alone. But the progress that Andrei is making is due to the great efforts made by both the actress and the specialists.

However, for Andrei’s disease, there is no chance of cure, but only improvement. So Manuela Hărăbor admits that she will never give up and will do everything in her power for her son.
