Major General (r) Petrisor Mandu died of a coronavirus infection two days after his wife died of COVID-19


Petrisor Mandu, a reserve major general, died Saturday, after becoming infected with coronavirus, just two days after his wife also died of COVID-19.

Petrisor Mandu was Major General of the Ministry of National Defense, Doctor of Science and Military Management. He was also a university professor at the University of Transylvania in Brasov, according to Antena 3.

Included in the Encyclopedia of Personalities

At the Transilvania University of Brasov he teaches courses: Risk management; Risks and security of international business; Crisis management or geopolitics.

In addition, General Mandu was included in the Encyclopedia of Personalities of Contemporary Society “Who’s Who in Romania”, Princeps Edition, 2002.

He had a rich managerial experience being Rector of the Gen. Bungescu Military Institute and Rector of the Air Force Academy.

Condolence messages

The friends sent several messages of condolence on social media.

“It is hard to believe that such beautiful and powerful people are unexpectedly leaving for the eternal world. May God rest them in peace. A life that they lived side by side, loved each other, and left together. The pain in the souls of loved ones abide forever. May God rest you in peace! Up there among the stars, take care of yourselves as he had you here on earth. They left too soon. “

“Have a good voyage among the stars with the Lady of life! We will never forget you! Rest forever!”

“May God rest him! Unexpected and sad news, loss of a special spirit, an enlightened mind … condolences to the family in distress!”

Map of 2020 local elections. List of all candidates for county councils and mayors of the main cities of Romania
