Luiza Melencu’s father died on the eve of his daughter’s birthday. “I really wanted to be face to face with Dinca”


Claudiu Melencu, the father of Luiza, one of the victims of Gheorghe Dincă, died on Tuesday, December 1. Family members say their health problems worsened after their daughter disappeared.

“You don’t even know how much he was suffering. He was devastated because he couldn’t find out the truth, because he didn’t know where his son was. He didn’t appear on television often, he was trying to find out for himself what happened.” with Dincă, at ​​the trial. He died thinking he didn’t know where his little girl was, “said the man’s friends.

Luiza’s sister, Ionelia Roxana Melencu, was the one who announced the death of her father on her social media page. “My father, you left this world too quickly … why did you leave me, why did you take the most expensive thing in this world from me. Why my father,” Claudiu’s daughter wrote. Melencu on his social media page. Relatives also say the man suffered greatly when prosecutors hypothesized that he was not Luiza’s biological father. The rumor came after the missing woman’s parents had DNA samples taken.

“It’s a lie! How can they say such a thing? How good can they be? What do they want to do? They’re spreading these rumors just to spoil us. Luiza is my little girl. Prosecutors do their job, they don’t put them out there for gossip. They put themselves there to find out the truth. To look for phrases abroad, there they are! “Claudiu Melencu declared at that time.

The man was to be heard in the Caracal case. He was the last man who spoke to Luiza on the day of her disappearance. “He called me just before he had a chance. Luiza told me that she had gone to get the money her mother sent her from England. He said, ‘I’ll call you when I get home, Dad. And he got in that damn car. I never called, ”said Claudiu Melencu.

Luiza Melencu would have turned 20 on Wednesday, December 2. “Happy birthday, Luiza, wherever you are. I miss you, my girl,” Monica Melencu wrote on her social media page.

Luiza’s parents were divorced.

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