Ludovic Orban: this is the first time in history that a state of alert has been declared


Prime Minister Ludovic Orban stated that it is for the first time in Romanian history that a state of alert is declared and announced that during the CNSU meeting all decisions will be made to establish rules and restrictions.

“I think it is for the first time in history that the state of alert is declared in Romania. As such, we will face a new situation and we will have to behave responsibly with the establishment of the state of alert, to apply all the necessary measures during the status In order to achieve our goal of limiting the spread of the virus and ensuring a transition to normality that we expect, with the establishment of the state of alert, we will have to make all the decisions tonight to establish rules, establish the necessary restrictions and allow the authorities effectively fight the risk of spreading the virus, “Orban said at the beginning of the CNSU meeting, according to Agerpres.

Shopping centers that open

Ludovic Orban also stated that with the establishment of the state of alert “the Romanians will regain freedom of movement within the localities”.

“With the establishment of the state of alert and with the related decisions that we will take in the National Committee for Emergency Situations, a series of restrictions will be lifted. The Romanians will regain freedom of movement within the localities. In addition, movement outside the localities will This will allow Romanian citizens to resume their activity in almost normal conditions, as well as commercial spaces, those with an exit and commercial spaces with a small area of ​​15,000 square meters. “We will resume the activity in hairdressers, hairdressers, We will resume the activity of dental offices, “said Ludovic Orban.

He added that restrictions on hospitalization would be removed.

“Normal hospital activity will resume, any restrictions in terms of hospitalizations will be removed, anyone, even if not in a situation to claim emergency hospitalization, will be able to benefit from medical services, which will imply implementation with the maximum determination of the rules and protocols at the level of all hospitals in Romania, “announced the Prime Minister.

Regarding some sports activities, Orban said they can be resumed under special conditions.

“A number of activities will be resumed, including individual sports activities. In addition, activities will be resumed in the camps for national teams, some sports activities will also be resumed under very strictly regulated conditions,” said Ludovic Orban.
