Ludovic Orban swapped the sheet with Iohannis. What political objectives does the president of the PNL have?


The leader of the NLP, Ludovic Orban, despite resigning from Victoria Palace, remains a pole of power. President Klaus Iohannis would have liked General Nicolae Ciuca to form the new Executive, but the PNL leader blocked the measure. Ludovic Orban spoke with several important leaders of the territory and together they came to the conclusion that the NLP should impose a man from the party at the head of the Government, not a man from the Army, linked only to the Cotroceni Palace, say political sources for “Adevărul” . “Nicolae Ciucă was elected senator of the NLP in Dolj, but ended up on the electoral lists also supported by the head of state. He remains a foreign body for the liberals. Therefore, Ludovic Orban conveyed to President Klaus Iohannis that the party did not wants Ciuca as prime minister. In the end, the two leaders agreed that Florin Cîţu would form the Executive, a proposal accepted by both USR PLUS and UDMR, ruling partners of the Liberals. Florin Cîţu also has a good relationship with the PNV baroness: As Minister of Finance, he allocated funds for the PNDL, the portfolio with public money for the mayors and the presidents of the Diputaciones.

Furthermore, Florin Cîţu has another great advantage in the context of the struggle for power: he is not interested in the leadership of the party. Still. “It’s like Switzerland. Neutral. He has a good relationship with Iohannis and Orban,” characterized by one of his relatives. The Minister of Finance is interested mainly in the government and the economic situation of the country, he does not covet the leadership of the PNL. This explains the support received from Orban, who wants to remain president of the NLP and control the Government’s activity from the shadows. Basically, the NLP will enter the Dragnea era: the prime minister will not be the president of the ruling party. But there is a big difference : Ludovic Orban, unlike Liviu Dragnea, does not need an emergency ordinance to save him from jail, so the pressure from the party on the government will not be so great.

According to the cited sources, Ludovic Orban intends to quickly convene an extraordinary party congress, which will reconfirm him at the head of the PNL. At the moment, most of the country’s leaders are on his side, but surprises are not ruled out. “The participation of President Iohannis will also be important. If Iohannis supports Cîţu for the leadership of the party, then the dispute will be on the brink. But I think Iohannis wants peace,” anticipates one of the leaders of the PNL. In parallel, the leader of the NLP PNL will also obtain the leadership of the Chamber of Deputies to lead the parliamentary activity of the new right-wing majority.Sources from the PSD leadership affirm that Ludovic Orban still hopes to be able to return, at some point, to the post of prime minister.

In conclusion, Ludovic Orban will lead the party and Parliament, and from the shadow the Government, where President Klaus Iohannis will also have a direct influence on some ministers. Prime Minister Florin Cîţu will manage, in the first phase, the financial and health crisis. A successful government could accelerate its political ambitions, instead, the erosion of the government could turn it into a sacrificial prime minister, exactly on the model of Ludovic Orban.

Non-negotiable ministries

Formal negotiations between the three ruling coalition parties, PNL, USR-PLUS and UDMR, begin on Saturday, but the Liberals already have some unshakable decisions regarding the ministries they want for the party. The leaders of the PNL are determined to allow the transfer of two important ministries to the party and the government: Development and Finance. “These are key ministries for someone who wants consistency in government. We do not develop a party that is not used to handling the situation with thousands of mayors. Finance should also stay with us and choose a man who collaborates very well with the prime minister ”, said sources of the leadership of the PNL for“ Adevărul ”.

A third party that the liberals would like for themselves, but depends on the evolution of the negotiations, is the Ministry of Transport. In addition, for both the PNL and the USR-PLUS to applaud, the liberals would be willing to divide the Ministry of Economy, Energy and Business Environment in two, so that Energy takes the PNL and the other with the USR. -ADDITION. It would be one of the concessions, since the liberals do not want to leave Virgil Popescu without a ministry, one of the politicians who have a very good relationship abroad, as evidenced by the doors that were opened to him when he was in Washington and the projects signed with American partners. . Liberals will also claim ministries like Defense and Foreign Affairs for the people of President Klaus Iohannis. Otherwise, the split depends on how the negotiations go over the weekend.

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