Ludovic Orban: Any citizen, even if he is in a quarantined locality, can go to the polls, without any kind of declaration, under his own responsibility



Prime Minister Ludovic Orban announced that, on the day of the parliamentary elections, the inhabitants of quarantined cities and communes will be able to go to the polls without having to complete a declaration on their own responsibility, the Government will adopt a provision in this regard on Friday, informs News. .ro. Ludovic Orban mentioned that people in quarantine will not be able to leave their home or place where they have declared their isolation, since they will have the opportunity to vote if they request the removal of the mobile ballot box.

“Every citizen, even if he is in a locality that is temporarily in quarantine, has the freedom to go to the electoral college to vote, without giving statements. We have CNSU tomorrow (Friday – no), before the Government meeting, after which, at the government meeting, we will transpose the CNSU’s decision, ”Prime Minister Ludovic Orban announced Thursday night on Digi 24.

He said that on the day of the vote, completing a statement “is an unnecessary formality” because people leave the house to vote.

The prime minister wanted to distinguish between the situation of those who are in quarantined localities and those who are in quarantine by decision of the Public Health Directorate.

“Those who are quarantined as a result of a decision of the DSP must remain in the place where they established their quarantine. They can exercise the right to vote through mobile ballot boxes,” explained the prime minister.

Regarding the decrease in the number of tests and allegations that this was done intentionally, Orban said that he advises those who make such accusations to “look at the number of tests per month”, explaining that the largest amount of tests was done in November.

“Why did they have the opportunity to launch another fake news, so they did the whole campaign? For a very simple reason: we had a series of four days off (…) In general, the days off are fewer tests because the Test center staff also need rest, the number of people who have the capacity to do these tests is limited, although we have constantly increased the testing capacity, ”said the prime minister.

Orban explained that the tests were done “less than normal” these days, but that the number of tests has increased since Wednesday.

The prime minister reaffirmed that the analyzes carried out show that “it is clear that we have entered a downward trend.”

“If we look at the infection rate that is calculated over the last 14 days, we see that in most counties this rate is decreasing,” the prime minister added.

He said the number of infections was also found to have increased in the workplace, because many employees eat with their colleagues.
