Ludovic Orban: after May 15, travel for tourist purposes will not be prohibited


Valentina Postelnicu,

However, the Executive Director specified that after May 15, traffic restrictions within the locality will be removed, in total, but only certain restrictions will be maintained for traveling outside the locality.

“It will not be prohibited (tourist trips – n.r.) will be included in the list of good reasons to leave, which will be a more extensive list than the usual lists,” said Orban.

The prime minister said that if the restaurants were to be launched at any time, the owners would have to follow certain rules that would be imposed by the authorities.

“Everyone is waiting for answers, we still cannot give you these answers. In the first phase we will lift those restrictions for which the lowest epidemiological risk exists, the lifting of the restrictions will be done gradually. We will wait for a period of time, which is the period, from 14 days to 15 days, to see if there are any effects regarding the spread or spread of the virus, after which obviously we will move on to the next steps, “Orban added.

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