Lucian Bode has Covid-19. He is the second member of the government infected by coronavirus


The second member of the Government tested positive for the new coronavirus. Transport Minister Lucian Bode announced that he was infected with Covid-19. Earlier this week, Economy Minister Virgil Popescu had also tested positive for SARS-CoV-2.

“After the periodic tests that I did during this day, this afternoon I received the result of the last test for the diagnosis of COVID – 19 and, unfortunately, it was positive. From the moment I found out about the test result I followed all the steps required by the protocol. At the moment I was isolated at home, I feel fine, I do not present specific symptoms and I trust that, in the end, everything will work out. I wish you all good health, everyone! ” the message posted by Lucian Bode on a social network.

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The Minister of Transportation met on Wednesday with the US Ambassador to Romania, Adrian Zuckerman

In the early part of Wednesday, the Minister of Transportation received a visit from the United States Ambassador to Romania, Adrian Zuckerman. Lucian Bode posted on his Facebook page a message about the meeting with the official and the discussions he had about Romania’s relationship with the United States.

“One year after assuming the post of Minister of Transportation, Infrastructure and Communications, today I had the honor of receiving at the Ministry headquarters the visit of His Excellency Adrian Zuckerman, United States Ambassador to Romania. On this occasion, I personally thanked him friendship and direct support, assuring you of Romania’s firm commitment to strengthening the Strategic Partnership between Romania and the United States.
Today we address topics of special interest, such as the development of road and rail infrastructure, military mobility and the implementation of 5G technologies in Romania. I appreciate the support of our partners to deepen these strategic issues, “wrote Bode on the social network.

The Minister of Economy, Virgil Popescu, announced earlier in the week that he has Covid

The Minister of Economy, Energy and Business Environment, Virgil Popescu, also confirmed positive with coronavirus.

Virgil Popescu said then that he has symptoms, but that they are not serious and affirms that although he followed all the rules, the SARS-CoV-2 virus “is not forgiving”.

“I have no serious symptoms. The people close to me are fine. Take good care of each one of you. The mask can protect you. I have followed the rules, but this virus does not” forgive “. I am sure I will get through this period too. I work. to be done ”, the Minister of Economy also announced.

Publisher: AA
