Liviu Pleșoianu, virulent attack on Iohannis: ‘Stop GROPAR!’ – News by sources


PSD MP Liviu Pleșoianu launches a virulent attack on President Klaus Iohannis, calling on the leaders of the parliamentary party to stop him. The reaction of the Social Democrat occurs on the day that Romania registered a new record of COVID-19 infections and in the context in which the president stated this week that the parliamentary elections scheduled for December 6, 2020 must be held.

“Stop the GROPAR! Because of its ABSOLUTE POWER, it doesn’t give a damn about people’s health and lives! It forbids them to go to church, take the Light, invite people to dinner, go to dinner with other people, close their restaurants, cinemas, theaters, lives, BUT he calls them to VOTE “in great numbers”! Because he wants “his Parliament”, because he is SICK OF POWER!

Olguța Vasilescu, replica of Violeta Alexandru: ‘Leave the lessons and the political discourse of the campaign that we were bad and you are the Good Fairy of the pensioners’

If the elections take place on December 6, if after prohibiting people from carrying out the natural development of the CHRISTIAN HOLIDAYS, the DEATH SCRUTINY is carried out with Orban, then both will have to be accused not only of the futility of COMBATING DISEASES, but also CRITERIA. AGAINST HUMANITY!

Already “people had to die” for GROPAR to be coveted! Two weeks after the same so-called “president” insisted on holding local elections, we have an explosion of new cases, serious cases, and DEATHS! But he doesn’t even think about asking for the postponement of the elections … He only asks for the cancellation of Christian events! At Easter, he said that we should not go to church, we should not take the light, we should not invite our family and friends to dinner, because otherwise, “after the holidays, we will have funerals.” Instead, on December 6, when it is once again a very important Christian holiday, he urges us to “go out in large numbers to VOTE”! SUBHUMAN CINNISM! On December 6, Romanian Christians celebrate SAINT NICHOLAS, not SAINT VOTE!

Leaders of the parliamentary parties, STOP THE GROUP! ”, Liviu Pleșoianu writes on Facebook.
