Liviu Pleșoianu promotes the conspiracy theory: the global awakening movement of humanity! A Catastrophe Is Coming – Font News


The PSD deputy, Liviu Pleșoianu, feeds the conspiracy theories and promotes a call to wake up humanity, a call that speaks of “puppets” that only generate the illusion of freedom.

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“HEY! This is a call to all people! You are invited to participate in humanity’s global awakening movement! To prevent the impending catastrophe of human civilization, HUMANITY needs your action! To begin, you need See the walls that have been built around your being These walls are built with the material of hatred and fear and are based on ignorance and our social dream.

Evil puppets keep us locked in an illusory bubble while turning our world into ruins. There is, all over the world, a very complex plan by which various groups make sure that most of you never get to know the true reality. Behind-the-scenes puppets offer you a daily serving of social sleeping pills and collective anesthetics. Every day, wherever you are, it provides you with the SEDATIVE, THE PILL OF FORGETTING!

They want you to be the perfect slave, without realizing that you are actually living in a prison the size of a planet. They want you to be the happy naive who thinks he’s free! Meanwhile, the man inside you will continue to suffocate in a deep dungeon where you have no access. They feed our individual and collective ignorance and indifference. They make sure you can never ask the essential questions. They do everything in their power to keep your mind free.

They distract you in every way imaginable so that you never get to know your deep inner self, to know the real world outside the bubble in which I keep you closed! They give you the false impression that you are free, that you are a citizen, that you have rights, that your vote, your choices and your choices are important. At the same time, they make sure that being a citizen means nothing more than total obedience to everything they offer you as a society. They make sure your rights and freedoms are nothing but beautiful words with no real content!

They make sure that you live your whole life in a soap bubble that they created especially for you and that they tell you that you would be the “world”, so that you have the illusion of your own freedom! They make you believe that your vote matters and that those you choose to represent it can really change something! At the same time, they don’t allow you to understand that even the best of your elected representatives can never really change something if they don’t do it WITH YOU.

Everything that represents the natural evolutionary tendencies of man and the social body is operated, genetically modified, turned around. Real progress drifts towards progressivism. The local or national fraternity is kidnapped for being a member of various gangs and for the spirit of the pack. Global brotherhood (free and based on individual freedom) is diverted towards a leveling globalism. Working together for the good of the other is kidnapped in “networks”, with the sole purpose of taking advantage of the other. Morality and political integrity deviate into false political puritanism and integrity propaganda. Justice and justice are diverted by the thirst for blood. Catharsis, purification through tragedy and comedy, characteristics of true art, are diverted into an easy and rude entertainment, destined to drown the human being in a trivial and dehumanizing daily life. Education is diverted towards re-education, education turns against living man and unfolds in favor of inert man.

The easier it is, the more difficult the SYSTEM will be! The less aware you are, the more tyrannical the SYSTEM becomes! We are facing a great decision, and the fact of not participating, individually, in this great fundamental decision does not change things at all. Whoever does not participate in this decision will be taken by assault and taken against their own individual will and freedom.

But what this system will not be able to do, no matter how well conceived by those who oppose the unfolding of humanity’s natural destiny, is to prevent the “epidemic”, “pandemic” spread of the awakening of human spirits.

If the LIVING WORD of awakened people circulates enough, many more people will begin to awaken. And if enough people had awakened, then no system, no matter how tyrannical, no matter how well developed, will be able to prevent the full manifestation of the spirit, of the profound man. Therefore, it is important that everything that is said or written here circulates as much as possible, because people need to light the candle of the spirit of others! THE SYSTEM is a fortress that seems invincible, invincible precisely because it is based on the ignorance of the people.

DEEP SYSTEM can only control SURFACE MAN! Thus, the DEEP SYSTEM can only be defeated by the DEEP MAN! ”, Liviu Pleșoianu writes.
