“Liviu Dragnea’s health has deteriorated. We cannot contact him.”


Liviu Dragnea’s health would have deteriorated, announces the former secretary general of the PSD, Codrin Ștefănescu. He also claims that those close to him can no longer contact the former Social Democratic leader for two days, Mediafax reports.

“I inform you that Liviu Dragnea’s health has deteriorated! Suddenly! When he was transferred to the Jilava prison hospital, he was asymptomatic. So he called me and I informed everyone! For two days we have not been able to contact him, and those who are there refuse to give explanations to the family, the lawyer or the press! I will keep you posted when we find out the details, “said Codrin Ștefănescu.

Former PSD leader Liviu Dragnea was confirmed with Covid-19 and was transferred to the Jilava prison hospital four days ago. He reportedly contracted the virus from a cellmate.

Following Codrin Ștefănescu’s statements, the National Penitentiary Administration issued a statement assuring that no patient at the Jilava prison hospital is in serious condition and does not require intensive medical care.

“No patient in custody of the Hospital-Penitentiary Bucharest-Jilava does not require intensive medical care, the penitentiary-hospital unit ensures the specific therapeutic conduct for the forms light and disease settings with COVID19. At same register, we highlight that everyone’s health patient confirm SARS-CoV-2 positive is stable and no changes were registered to impose external medical support ”, transmitted the ANP.

Liviu Dragnea was incarcerated in the Rahova Penitentiary, where he is serving a sentence of 3 years and six months, after being definitively convicted in the Teleorman Child Protection Case.

Editor: Ioana Coman
