Liviu Dragnea, paralyzed! Friends of the former PSD leader sounded the alarm. The darkest stage


Sources close to the former PSD leader specified that Liviu Dragnea could be paralyzed if he is not operated on urgently. The former politician is said to suffer from crippling left sciatica.

“The situation is dramatic. Every day it worsens. I confirm that the condition is very serious, I could not say directly, I am a lawyer, but since the family sent such a message, it is like that. The prison did not understand, as of June 26, to protect him “Said Flavia Teodosiu, on Antena 3.

The lawyer for the former PSD leader said that “normally, (Liviu Dragnea) should get to work.”

“I obtained a judicial decision that showed that their right to work was restricted. The prison, as a result of some requests, did not understand to find a solution until today,” said Flavia Teodosiu, according to the cited source.

Liviu Dragnea’s girlfriend, new revelations about the health problems of the former PSD leader. “They got really bad”

In early October, Liviu Dragnea came to the doctor at Rahova Penitentiary, because she has excruciating pain in her spine. The former PSD leader is in recovery programs and has had an MRI. The revelation was made by Irina Tănase, Liviu Dragnea’s fiancee.

“He feels bad about his health problems and his 23-hour isolation. He has a lumbar and cervical hernia, which has been known since before his conviction.” (…) These health problems have worsened a lot in the last three months. He was removed from work and remains in the room for 23 hours. He only goes out for an hour walk. (…) We have approached some institutions to solve.

There are two main issues: the right to work and the right to health. We went to court for labor law. I won, but the court’s decision has not been carried out for two weeks. (…) I also filed a complaint with the Ombudsman’s Office. (…) Some rights were violated. (…) They issued a series of recommendations to the ANP to correct these rules. (…) My suspicion is that there is a lot of pressure on the penitentiaries. “Said Irina Tănase, from Realitatea Plus.

The leader of the PSD, Liviu Dragnea, was definitively sentenced in 2019 by the Superior Court of Cassation and Justice to three and a half years in prison in the process regarding the fictitious jobs of the Teleorman Child Protection Directorate.

The sentence is final. The panel of 5 judges thus confirmed the sentence handed down in the first instance.

The National Penitentiary Administration (ANP) recently transmitted, after the accusations made by Liviu Dragnea’s lawyer, that the prison system ensures the application of the non-discriminatory detention and recovery regime, in a unitary manner. Likewise, the ANP affirms that recovery treatment and conditions that guarantee respect for human dignity are ensured.
