LIVE | Vlad Voiculescu announces checks at vaccination centers, after 1,353 people who should have been in stage III have already been immunized | Freedom


At the same time, Vlad Voiculescu denied the existence of tensions with Valeriu Gheorghiță, the coordinator of the vaccination campaign. “There is no tension and there was never a discussion, about what appeared in the public space, about the change of Mr. Gheorghiță. Mr. Gheorghiță is the coordinator of that committee, he is doing a good job and I hope he continues to do so”, said the Minister of Health.

The main statements made by Vlad Voiculescu at the conference:

  • Today, at 12:00, there are 530,000 people vaccinated
  • Things are almost in order. A maximum of 25% of those vaccinated in the second stage should be people other than the elderly and infirm. It is essential to maintain this fair vaccination relationship, to ensure the end of the pandemic as soon as possible, that is, to protect the vulnerable first.
  • Immediately after the Government meeting, we discussed with the CNCAV and STS for the implementation of this provision in the programming platform and in the other mechanisms of the vaccination process.
  • For the moment, the numbers are not bad. We are in the top 10 in Europe, it is about vaccinations per thousand inhabitants

The CNCAV, led by Colonel Valeriu Gheorghiță, takes things reasonably further

Vlad Voiculescu, Minister of Health:

  • We need the process to be more transparent. We discovered that between January 15 and 23, in the Vaccination Registry there are 1,353 people vaccinated, marked as eligible for the third stage. It could be data entry errors or someone even skipped. We know from the press that this has happened before
  • We now have fewer doses of vaccine than we would need. It is essential that the authorities do not remain passive

I spoke with the Prime Minister about the introduction of sanctions for those who can verify whether the strategy adopted by the Government is respected at the vaccination center level. There are coordinating doctors for each vaccination center, we can assure them of disciplinary investigations, if they do not respect what is established.

Vlad Voiculescu, Minister of Health:

  • The Prime Minister of Romania explained his availability to purchase all available vaccines for our country. The Ministry of Health recently signed an order for another 9 million vaccines, CureVac, one of the products that has not yet been approved, but there is a clear understanding that if the vaccine is approved, it will reach reasonable quantities in Romania.
  • There is a programming platform and the National Vaccination Registry. Well, these two should get together. There are 30% of people who are in RENV and are not on the programming platform
  • There are people who go to the vaccination center or there are vaccination centers that are not computerized and things are done on paper. We need to go as far as possible towards digitization and clarification of this process.
  • We currently have more closed circuit centers than open circuit centers. Closed loop means that only certain categories can be programmed. This worries us

Yesterday there were 213 centers open to the public and 340 closed circuit

Vlad Voiculescu, Minister of Health:

  • The rescheduling decision was made by the CNCAV, not the Ministry of Health, but only those who are rescheduled are affected, not the others
  • There are people who go to the vaccination, it is passed to them in a notebook, the respective notebook in RENV, without having been programmed before. The platform does not allow the registration of categories other than those provided for in it
  • Sometime in March, we’ll talk about vaccination capacity and less about a limited number of shots and who gets in the way and skips the line.
  • What I tell them and we discuss internally, in general the campaign is going well. But there are problems that we know about and we can’t pretend they don’t exist. These are things that must be dealt with with transparency and responsibility, and I, as the Minister of Health, cannot tell you that things are going perfectly.

There is no tension and there was never a discussion, about what appeared in the public space, about the change of Mr. Gheorghiță. Mr. Gheorghiță is the coordinator of that committee, he is doing a good job and I hope he will continue to do so.

Vlad Voiculescu, Minister of Health:

  • For each vaccination center there must be a waiting list of people who are part of the same stage. That is, if someone from a center does not show up, the coordinating doctor must make a few calls, and it happens in practice, I was passed by someone in the family, who had my phone number registered, for which another person on the waiting list could appear earlier

We have not defined the sanction at this time ( – for vaccine dose management). I spoke to the prime minister, most likely next week he will see the final form of sanctions for administering limited doses of vaccine.

Vlad Voiculescu, Minister of Health:

  • At this time, the tests are not sold in pharmacies. We are currently in discussions with the National Medicines Agency to see how best to ensure that people have access to quality evidence. We believe that rapid tests should be available to as many Romanians as possible, as simple as possible, as cheaply as possible
  • If when school starts you have the child with some kind of symptom, leave him at home, don’t send him to school! It can hurt him and many other people. Not only for children, but also for those at home. If you have any symptoms, keep them home!

Vlad Voiculescu today holds his first press conference since he returned to be Minister of Health, something that happened at the end of December 2020, with the investment of the Cîțu cabinet. The event takes place at 3:30 pm, at the Victoria Palace.

Vlad Voiculescu will be accompanied at the press conference at the Victoria Palace by the Secretary of State in the Ministry of Health Andreea Moldovan and by the president of the National House of Health Insurance, Adrian Gheorghe, reported the Ministry of Health.

Earlier, at 1:00 p.m., the Government meeting will take place at the Victoria Palace, which will probably end before 15:30. At the end of the Government meeting, Health Minister Vlad Voiculescu also has a participation in the press conference, the Government representatives transmitted.

Before the press conference, the Ministry of Health announced that the institution led by Vlad Voiculescu has a new spokesperson: Bogdan Oprea, former spokesperson for Traian Băsescu.

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