LIVE TEXT. Presidential elections in the Republic of Moldova. The first EXIT POLL survey. The DA platform demands resignations for “bad organization of the elections” / What Igor Dodon and Maia Sandu said


The first exit poll

The current president of the Republic of Moldova, Igor Dodon, a pro-Russian politician, occupies the first place in the first round of the presidential elections, with 40.9% of the votes, followed by Maia Sandu, leader of the Action Party and Pro-European Solidarity (PAS). , shows a survey.

According to the survey, conducted by the Community and the Public Policy Institute, Igor Dodon obtained 40.9% of the votes and Maia Sandu 34.6%.

Renato Usatâi is credited with 11.5%, Violeta Ivanov, 6.3%, and Andrei Năstase, 2.9%, according to the website. Octavian Ţîcu would have obtained 1.7%, Dorin Chirtoacă, 1.3% and Tudor Deliu, 0.9%.

The turnout was 42.7%, according to the Central Election Commission in Chisinau.

Statement by Igor Dodon after the polls closed

“First of all, I want to address myself as acting president, to thank those who participated in the elections and you have been so active, both at home and abroad, regardless of who you voted for. Thanks to those who voted for me. As president and candidate, I want to congratulate him on being able to secure the election, “Dodon said.

UPDATE 21.30

The data presented in the first exit poll does not contain the votes cast in the diaspora, so the balance may tip towards the pro-European candidate Maia Sandu.

The first round of the presidential elections in the Republic of Moldova

Pro-European voters will be able to choose between Maia Sandu, Tudor Deliu and Andrei Năsatse, and pro-Russian voters, between Igor Dodon, Renato Usatii and Violeta Ivanov.

Eight candidates appear on the ballot in the following order: Usatii Renato, Nastase Andrei, Deliu Tudor, Dodon Igor, Ivanov Violeta, Sandu Maia, Ticu Octavian, Chirtoaca Dorin.

The elected president will be the sixth in the 29 years of independence of the Republic of Moldova and the fourth elected by direct vote.

LIVE TEXT. The most important moments of voting day

HOUR 21.00 The first round of the elections ends

According to the CEC data, the preliminary turnout at the closing of the polling stations was 42.73%, that is, 1,213,737 voters.

Voting continues in the diaspora, with the opening of the first American sections.

HOUR 20.15 The DA platform demands the resignation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the President of the CEC

Andrei Năstase, leader of the DA Platform, demands the resignation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the president of the CEC for the “faulty organization of the elections”.

There were long lines at the diaspora polling stations, where Moldovans waited several hours to vote.

HOUR 20.00 The participation is 42.24%

An hour before the polls closed, 1.2 million voters voted.

19.00 More than 1.16 million voters voted

At 7:00 p.m., the national participation in the polls is 41.07%. So far 1,167,773 people have voted, according to data presented by the Central Electoral Commission.

16:32 Election validation threshold exceeded

Up to this time, more than 942 thousand people from all over the country came to vote, that is, 33.38% of those registered on the electoral lists. Therefore, the voter validation threshold was exceeded.

16:10 Moldovans from Iasi line up for more than an hour to vote

Huge lines are forming at the Consulate of the Republic of Moldova, where dozens of Moldovans are queuing to vote.

16:00 Despite the traffic restrictions imposed by most European countries, citizens abroad mobilized and went to the polls.

Data from the Central Election Commission show that at 3.30 pm, more than 78,000 Moldovans attended polling stations abroad, that is, twice as many as in the first round of the 2016 elections. At the same time, in Chisinau a low attendance rate.

15:00 After the incidents in Varniţa, in Criuleni, a group of voters protested and did not allow the access of carriers with more than eight passengers in the vehicle.

Until 3:00 p.m., 30% of voters voted, respectively 835,000, of which 53% are women.

A queue of more than 100 people was formed at the electoral college inside the embassy of the Republic of Moldova in Romania. Most of the Moldovan citizens who came to vote for a candidate in the presidential elections are young, wear masks and keep their distance.

14:10 The General Police Inspection (IGP) identified three cases of electoral corruption and four cases of ballots.

13:39 Chaos at a polling station in Kassel, Germany. Hundreds of people want to vote.

13:25 Moldovans in the diaspora vote much more actively in 2020, compared to the same time segment in the 2016 presidential election, according to

According to the Central Election Commission, 36,105 Moldovans living abroad have voted before 12:30 this year. For comparison, in 2016, the number of voters who went to the polls at noon was 16,391.

13:15 Votes of the German diaspora. Queues at the Consulate General of the Republic of Moldova in Frankfurt

Endless queues at the Consulate General of the Republic of Moldova in Frankfurt. People came equipped with a protective mask and gloves.

12:05 PM The Central Electoral Commission (CEC) came to light in the second information session of this day

CEC President Dorin Cimil says the voting process began without major incident. In Reuplica Moldova, until 12:00, around 450 thousand voters voted, and in the polling stations open in the diaspora more than 28 thousand Moldovans voted.

12:00 “I voted for the Union”

This was the first statement by Dorin Chirtoaca, candidate of the “Unirea” Bloc for the office of President of the Republic of Moldova, after exercising her right to vote.

11:40 There are voters taken by minibuses to Varniţa

Several voters were summoned organized in minibuses, although the Central Electoral Commission has prohibited for today the circulation of vehicles with a capacity of more than eight seats.

11:35 Huge queues at a polling station in London

At a London polling station, Moldovans formed huge lines to exercise their right to vote. A voter at the scene told AGORA that people are equipped with masks and maintain their social distance.

11:15 Igor Dodon voted with his wife. At the polls, Dodon said the rain was a good sign.

“I voted for a strong and stable country. We vote for the maintenance of political stability, but also for the balance between our external partners. Moldovans must stay away from chaos. I voted for good relations between all ethnic groups in the Republic of Moldova. The future of the country depends on the vote of each one of us. We are told that if it rains it is a good sign. My parents told me it rained at their wedding. If it rained at the wedding, it will be a good family ” Igor Dodon said.

11:00 Weak participation. The elderly are also the first to vote

According to the CEC, about 60% of those who voted at this time are over 56 years old. They are followed by voters between the ages of 41 and 55.

Compared to the first round of the 2016 presidential election, voters aged 26-44 were also more active this morning. At 10:00, around 10% more people went to the polls than on October 30, 2016, according to

However, 18-25 year olds are more passive than in 2016.

10:00 Presence greater than 7%. More than 200,000 people voted

Real-time presence can be tracked here:

9:30 am: More than 5.5% of voters went to the polls, the equivalent of 154,000 people

TIME 9:00 PAS leader Maia Sandu voted:

“I voted for order in the country, for justice, for well-being, for a state that works for the people, that creates job opportunities for well-paying jobs at home.”Maia Sandu declared appropriate

TIME 8:00 The turnout at 8:00 is almost 2%. More than 50,000 people exercised their right to vote in the first hour after the polls opened.

TIME 7:50: 7:45 Incidents in Transnistria. In Varniţa, voters lined up at the polling stations. Andrei Năstase, the candidate of the Political Party – Dignity and Truth Platform, said a tear spray was used. The information has not yet been confirmed by the authorities.

HOUR 7:40 Prime Minister Ion Chicu voted. He arrived at the polls at 7:30 pm Accompanied by his wife, he said that Moldova has a future

7:00 am The country’s polling stations opened at 07:00 am.

Where and how do Moldovans vote in Romania?

Moldovans who work, study or live in Romania are expected to vote in the presidential elections. Polling stations in Romania open at 7am and close at 9pm. To vote, they need a valid or expired passport, identification card, or sailor’s brochure.

Emil Jacota, in charge of the Business Embassy of the Republic of Moldova: In Romania we opened 13 polling stations, we cover practically all the counties in Romania. Two polling stations will open in Bucharest, one here, inside the embassy, ​​and the other in the historic center of Bucharest. There will be between three thousand and five thousand ballots at each voting table.

The besarabios can vote for one of the 8 candidates registered in the electoral contest for the office of president. Three of them are pro-Russian and another 5 pro-European. In the second round of the presidential elections in Chisinau, current pro-Russian President Igor Dodon and pro-European Maia Sandu have a chance to arrive. In 2016, some 10,000 Moldovans in Romania participated in the vote. Tomorrow, on Aleph News, you can see the voting day in the Republic of Moldova.


  • Bucharest, headquarters of the embassy, ​​Aleea Alexandru 40
  • Bucharest, 6 Stavropoleos street, inside the Permanent Electoral Authority
  • Iasi, the headquarters of the Consulate General
  • Timisoara, National School of Art “Ion Vidu”
  • Cluj Napoca, Student House of Culture
  • Galaţi, University “Dunărea de Jos”
  • Brasov, House of Student Culture
  • Constanta, “Ovidius” University
  • Bacău, “Vasile Alecsandri” University
  • Suceava, “Ştefan cel Mare” University
  • Sibiu, Gymnasium School “Regina Maria”
  • Craiova, University of Craiova
  • Oradea, University of Oradea

Rules at the voting table

The mask is mandatory in polling stations. Voters who come without a mask will receive free masks. No more voters will be allowed to enter a polling station than the number of voting booths available, and the space will be sanitized every two hours.

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