LIVE TEXT Midnight scandal in Parliament. AUR closes the session before the election of the president of the Chamber of Deputies


The president of the PNL, Ludovic Orban, was elected, on Monday night, president of the Chamber of Deputies, at the end of a meeting with scandal, in which AUR left the room, stating that it is too late. The inaugural meeting began at 12 noon on Monday.

UPDATE 01:03 The meeting resumed after a break of more than 50 minutes.

The deputies voted, one minute before midnight, the extension of the working day to elect the president of the Chamber of Deputies and the Permanent Office, after the appointment of another president, after the departure of Lucian Feodorov, from ORO.

UPDATE 00:18 The session was suspended for 20 minutes.

Lucian Feodorov, 78, a deputy of the AUR, who presided over the session of the Chamber of Deputies, closed the session without declaring the Chamber of Deputies constituted.

Feodorov said that “it is a bit late and he is still at work (almost 11:30 pm)” and that normally everyone has “a working time”, not “we stay without stopping”, then he closed the meeting without declaring Legally constituted chamber .

There were rumors from deputies from the PNL and USR PLUS, but also from the PSD, who demanded the legal constitution of the Chamber of Deputies, about the procedure, because otherwise the oath of parliamentarians would have had to be retaken.

AUR co-chair George Simion threatened, at one point, to leave the plenary hall along with all AUR deputies, accusing the PSD of shaking hands with the NLP “to seat Ludovic Orban as president tonight.”

Alfred Simonis (PSD) responded by saying that he will run against Ludovic Orban (PNL) and it would be strange if he ran so that he does not vote, as suggested by George Simion.

Finally, Lucian Feodorov declared the Chamber of Deputies legally constituted and left the room.

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