LIVE, 2:00 pm: Parliament votes the motion of censure for the removal of the Orban Government


Parliament meets today, starting at 2:00 p.m., the last day of the extraordinary session, in joint session, to debate and vote on the motion of censure initiated by the PSD against the Orban Government.

The debates and the result of the vote will be broadcast LIVE on and in Pro TV News Facebook Page.

READ in this article:

Chronology of Events – LIVE UPDATE
-► Iohannis attacks the PSD before the vote: “PSD is fundamentally corrupted by the desire for power “

-► Orban: As parliamentarians, we do not participate in this “cyanide potion”; as a government we will have to be present
-► What is written in the motion of censure
-► Ciolacu: “There are enough votes for the motion of censure to pass”
-► How do parliamentary parties vote

The motion, initiated by the Social Democrats and signed by 205 senators and deputies, has the support of PSD, ALDE and PRO Romania, but also of various representatives of national minorities.

The PNL, PMP and USR have already announced that they will not participate in the vote, while the UDMR elected officials have announced that today they will decide what to do.

READ HERE the full text of the motion of no confidence “Government of PNL: from a pandemic to a generalized pandemic”

I Say Photos / George Calin

Event History – LIVE UPDATE:

11.30 a.m. Iohannis’ tough attack on PSD on motion day: “PSD is fundamentally corrupted by lust for power”

President Klaus Iohannis affirms, in a statement published before the vote in Parliament, that the PSD wants to lead the country into chaos to take power at any cost, in the most difficult period for Romania.

Iohannis accuses PSD of being part “fundamentally corrupted by the desire for power and cannot be reformed, no matter who directs itAnd he claims that filing a vote of no confidence during this critical period is a toxic step. DETAILS here.

10.30 Orban: As parliamentarians, we do not participate in this “cyanide potion”; as a government we will have to be present

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban said that NLP MPs do not participate in the debate in Parliament on the motion of no confidence, but the Government will be present, mentioning that the motion is outside the Constitution.

Today we present ourselves to the motion of censure, although it is an unconstitutional procedure and it is being developed and we will have to be present in Parliament as a Government. Of course, the political position is very clear, that we do not participate in this cyanide potion that is outside the Constitution, as parliamentarians, but as a Government we will have to be present, so at 2:00 p.m. we will have to be present to vote“Said Orban, at the beginning of the government meeting, according to Agerpres.

Motion titled “NLP government, from pandemic to generalized pandemic. Much in the pockets of the clientele NLP, poverty in the pockets of Romanians“was presented on August 17 by PSD and read in joint plenary by PSD Senator Lucian Romaşcanu on August 20.

In the motion of censure, signed by 205 senators and deputies, the Social Democrats denounce that the representatives of the Government violated all the norms imposed on the citizens after the pandemic with the new coronavirus.

According to Agerpres, a chapter of the no-confidence motion refers to “NLP employees in times of pandemic”, the signatories stating that “government representatives have irretrievably lost their credibility in the way they managed the pandemic.”

The document also has a chapter on “contradictory restrictions imposed on Romanian citizens”. According to the Social Democrats, “another major cause of the Orban 2 government’s loss of control over the pandemic was the endless series of contradictory decisions and measures.”

I say Photos / Octav Ganea

PSD also refers to “Looting of the state budget under the guise of the pandemic.“, drawing attention to the recent report by the Court of Auditors on public spending during the state of emergency.

Last but not least, the Social Democrats claim that “the standard of living of the population has collapsed” and “the people have lost everything they had gained in the PSD government.”

According to the signatories of the motion, “the NLP government has recovered austerity, poverty and the vicious circle of low wages.”

Ciolacu: “There are enough votes for the motion of censure to pass”

PSD president Marcel Ciolacu said Thursday that there were “enough” votes to pass the party’s motion of no confidence, even “without the UDMR.”

At this point, there are enough votes for the motion of no confidence to pass.“Ciolacu said at PSD headquarters, according to Agerpres.

When asked if these votes include those of the UDMR, he replied: “We have more discussions.”


According to Prime Minister Ludovic Orban, president of the PNL, the motion of no confidence is “an act of irresponsibility”, given that the current government faces, in recent months, “unprecedented challenges”. He added that he would personally call it a “cyanide potion.”

When asked on Thursday to reveal the names of MPs from other parties with whom he negotiated, the PNL leader replied: “The negotiations are not public, it would be great to give you now the list of parliamentarians with whom I negotiated, so that PSD with whom I negotiated. I will communicate a forecast to you before the vote, as I did in the other important events, motions ”.

How parliamentary parties vote

The leader of the USR, Dan Barna, also considers that the motion of censure of the PSD is “an amazing exercise of irresponsibility”.

“We have a health crisis, we have an economic crisis and Mr. Ciolacu insists on having a political crisis as well. How does the fall of the Government solve the number of ATI beds? How does a motion of censure reduce the deficit? How do you think the PSD that the moral decline has to decide who? Should rule Romania, after leaving behind the disaster we all know?“Barna wrote on Facebook.

He urged PSD leader Marcel Ciolacu to let the elections decide who will rule Romania.

The UDMR will determine the day of the vote whether or not to support the PSD’s motion of no confidence against the government, the president of the Union, Kelemen Hunor, said on August 25.

He specified that he did not negotiate with PSD to support the motion and did not hold talks with the PNL either, adding, however, that the UDMR has “a thousand reasons” to overthrow the government.

The president of the PMP, Eugen Tomac, affirms that this initiative is “a suicide movement proposed by the PSD” in the current health, economic and social context.

“I do not see the meaning of this motion of censure. For now, we consider a suicide movement proposed by the PSD, which we cannot support from political principles, but we do not see its usefulness at a time like that, when we must worry about how we support the citizens, what measures can we propose to save jobs, how can we support the business environment, how can we attract European funds My political message is very clear: you will not see the PMP alongside PSD “Tomac said.

ALDE President Senator Calin Popescu-Tariceanu said the motion of no confidence, which will be voted on Monday, will be approved. “Today (Friday – no.), In a goal made with the parliamentarians of all parties, excluding PNL, USR, PMP, the motion will be approved,” said Tariceanu.

Pro-Romania leader Victor Ponta said he would “surely” vote on Monday to overthrow the Orban government.

I hope that, on Tuesday, Mr. Iohannis will call us for consultations and announce that he has finally happened with Orban and that it will necessarily be his government, that he will announce on Tuesday that he will form a government of Romania, that, in fact, to do what The people want. People, at the moment, have three problems: health, which for 6 months we have been treating the pandemic so well, which is the worst now, the beginning of schools and the third thing, while Romanian companies last. My main reproach for Orban and the government team: everything I decide, I decide with, first of all, then, fairy, it doesn’t make any sense: you closed all the restaurants when we had 100 boxes, now we have 1,500 boxes and you open them all . Has no sense. Why did you close them then? What do you open them now? All right, thank God, that …“said Victor Ponta.

To pass the motion of censure, the favorable votes of 233 parliamentarians are needed.
