List of restrictions that apply from Wednesday in Bucharest. What will close. DOCUMENT


The Bucharest Emergency Situations Committee announced a series of measures and restrictions, as a result of the substantial increase in the number of COVID-19 infections.

The full document can be downloaded from the end of the article.

The main provisions of Decision No. 19 of 06.10.2020, issued by the Bucharest Municipal Committee for Emergency Situations.

Art. one. Considering the cumulative incidence of cases in the last 14 days, respectively 1.86 / 1000 inhabitants in Bucharest, as of 10/07/2020, the following measures are ordered:

1. In Bucharest the activity with the public of economic operators that carry out activities of preparation, marketing and consumption of food and / or alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, such as restaurants and cafes, inside buildings is not allowed.

2. The activity of restaurants and cafes within hotels, pensions or other accommodation units in Bucharest is not allowed, except for the activities carried out for clients staying in these accommodation units.

3. The activity of cinemas, entertainment institutions and / or concerts is not allowed.

4. In the time interval 07: 45-21: 15 from Monday to Friday, in all open public spaces located within a radius of 100 meters around the educational units, the use of a protective mask is mandatory for all people who have reached the age of 5 years. The Bucharest City Council, as well as the city councils of sectors 1-6 are displayed in a visible place and mark each access road with a distinctive sign.

The full document can be downloaded from the end of the article.
