List of ministries divided into coalition. NLP loses Justice and Development


Ludovic Orban announced late Friday that PNL, USRPLUS and UDMR reached a coalition agreement, after ten hours of negotiations. Thus, the government will be headed by the liberal Florin Cîțu, and the presidency of the Chamber of Deputies will also belong to the PNL, and that of the Senate to those of USRPLUS.

The three parties agreed on the government structure and divided their ministries, and will finalize the government program in the coming days.

The future government will have two deputy prime ministers and will be made up of 18 ministries: 9 belong to the PNL, 6 will go to USRPLUS, including Justice, and 3 will be led by UDMR, but among these three is the important Ministry of Development, Public Works. and the Administration.

Likewise, the Ministry of Economy was divided into two structures, with a separate Ministry of Energy appearing.

What ministries does PNL maintain?

  • Minister of Defense
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Ministry of Finance
  • interior minister
  • Ministry of Education
  • Ministry of energy
  • Department of agriculture
  • Minister of Culture
  • Ministry of Labor

Read also: Who will be the NLP ministers of the Cîțu government?

What ministries does USRPLUS take?

  • Ministry of Justice
  • Ministry of European Funds
  • Ministry of Health
  • Ministry of Transport
  • Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization
  • Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism

Read also: USR PLUS also obtained the head of the Cîțu Chancellery. The most vocal critics of PNL go to the Government

Ministries that belong to the UDMR

  • Ministry of development
  • Aquatic and forest environment
  • Ministry of Youth and Sports

Editor: Luana Pavaluca
