Lidia Buble, an exotic vacation in Zanzibar, with a famous man


Lidia Buble posted several photos from the beautiful vacation and fans always wondered who took her photos. The answer also appeared quickly, but without the will of Lidia Buble, but by a coincidence that gave her a goal.

In the photos published on social networks, the man who was with the star was quickly identified, as he also took photos in the same places, writes

It is about a famous Romanian medical adviser named Ensar Duman. If Lidia was photographed holding her mobile phone in her hand, leaning against a huge flowerpot, Ensar was also photographed, and the same flowerpot and the same landscape appear in the frame.

Ensar Duman has had several appearances on television shows, where he has been invited to speak about cosmetic procedures at the clinics he represents. He is a medical advisor and is friends with many celebrities from the Romanian show business.

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