Lia Bugnar broke up and said what was not seen in the Asia Express


Livia Lixandru,

Lia Bugnar broke into Facebook and complained that she and her colleague, Maria Buză, had been excluded from the Asia Express edition.

After the message posted by Lia Bugnar about Asia Express, Maia Morgensten
He left a comment in which he wrote: «Bravo! Yes. That is good, finally.

“I was on a TV show. What you forgot, you know what I’m talking about, and no, find out now if you read this post. I don’t say the show, I don’t say TV, I’m not the subject of my post at all. I was with my girlfriend snuggling up to my sister, Maria Buză. And when I say sister, I mean the approximately 45 years of friendship that unite us.

The convention of the show was very simple, we had to go to Asia and the Philippines, respectively, in teams of two and live without money, without accommodation, and even tour the country with various “missions”. more or less inspired or not.

It was important to do your job and do your best to do it, like most TV shows like this. The part that was not that in all the television programs was the part with the people we called to take us from one place to another with their cars, or to make us sleep at home, to sit at their table, share dinner with us often very poor.

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Those people were not like that on television shows, they were people to person, unscathed, without pay (neither before nor after meeting us), with their life stories much more interesting than our television program, desperate for the audience that All television shows in this world. Those people were poor, good, respectful and generous out of nowhere.

“I am not good at television, nor do I want to be good”

During the whole time I ran like a headless hen through the Philippines to do one “mission” or another, I had the unpleasant feeling that we “teams” behaved as if that country were like a carrot, a country invented as decoration for our show

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Occasionally, when we try to get into a Filipino’s car in a frantic / abusive / mylogical / hysterical way, and the man looks at us sadly and says, for example, I can’t take you, why? (pronounced “uaaaaai ????”), because my father died and I have to buy things for the funeral, maybe at times like this we managed to realize for a short time that they are not figuration in our show, but we are figuration in the country and their lives.

Then we jog again. Since I have a deep-seated obsession with never being in debt, this show was a real chore for me as it depended solely on demand without offering anything in return.

So, always, with each man who gave us even five minutes of his Filipino life, we try to live a few moments of true communication, “wrote Lia Bugnar on her Facebook account.

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“He shot arrows at the production team”

The contestant claims that she appeared very little in the post compared to other teams, although they filmed approximately 16 hours a day.

Lia Bugnar shot several arrows at the Asia Express production team. In addition, the actress said that after a few episodes she stopped watching the show.

“I heard them when they wanted to talk to us, I told them when they asked us, Maria made them laugh and sang to them, and I danced them, I praised their children, or I told the women that they are beautiful (easy to do, they have children most beautiful and the youngest women in the world), I praised their food no matter what they tasted like.

And since we weren’t going to give them anything else, I invariably wrote on a piece of paper my name and Maria’s link and the program “When the program is on television, they will see you and your beautiful wife helping us. Thank you so much, God bless you!

People took that piece of paper like it was a precious talisman and put it “fine”. And, because not only did they not appear on the show in question, but many times almost Maria and I did not appear, I feel like I owe them once again.

On the last show I watched (after which I stopped watching the last 14), in 4 hours, Maria and I were exactly 7 minutes and 20 seconds, the longest block was 50 seconds.

I don’t know how to watch TV, nor do I want to know how to do it (I got back to my good habit of never turning on the television for any reason), so I guess the show’s producers had their reasons for doing the show like that. as they did, mainly without us.

It’s just that our events there existed and were out of the ordinary. So, due to a great need for repair, I will write here, as I will remember, my Asia as I lived it and that I did not find on television.

I am going to project here, on the laptop screen, from my memory, those good people who gave us when we asked for them, without demanding anything in return. Then you can forget, “wrote Lia Bugnar on one of the social networks.

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