“Let us defend our orthodox faith against the onslaught of the persecutors”


The Archbishop of Tomis, His Eminence Theodosius, conveyed to the faithful in the Christmas Pastoral that “we must no longer allow the churches to be shut up by those who do not have the right to kill the holy faith of the Romanian people.” He added that “the persecution of the Church today has taken various forms, more subtle and treacherous”, and “under the pretext of liberation from the disease, churches are closed, Christians are intimidated, ridiculed, harassed.”

“The coming into the world of the Child Jesus is not only the crucial and culminating event of all universal history, but also the beginning of a new era, the era in which God gives himself to the world, who fills with his grace, unites men and gives us His infinite love, His Body and Blood in Holy and Divine Communion. (…) Therefore, in these times of pandemic, Jesus Christ is the immortal Doctor, the Healer of all diseases, the one who brings us the love of the Father. The one who came to kill death, the Infant Born in Bethlehem is the purest wind, blowing heavenly oxygen into the suffering lungs of those in hospitals, giving us the physician of immortality, the Hand powerful, which brings us out of the darkness of death, returns to the state of immortality, even offering the power of doctors to persevere in the healing effort, ”says the Archbishop of Tomis, according to Agerpres.

According to him, the power of Jesus Christ can save us not only from viruses, but especially from “soul-killing fear that has taken over the entire planet.”

“The birth of the Lord is the most beautiful beginning of our healing from death and sin, it is also the flash of divine light, capable of crushing and crushing the traps of cunning. The power of the Infant God in the manger can save us, not only from viruses, but especially from this fear that kills souls and that has taken over the entire planet. Today, fear kills more than viruses, with the complicity of the media. Depression, doubt, worry, poverty, unemployment, pain, all these are the effects of fear that has gripped our fellow men and threatens to crush us, “says IPS Teodosie.

It conveys that we should not be too afraid and that care to maintain health must be accompanied by the “joy of giving.”

“As I said at the great feast of Saint Andrew the Apostle, the Christian from Dobrogea and the spiritual Father of all Romania, let us not be too scared. May the care and attention for hygiene and health be accompanied by the joy of devotion and the courage that God gave us when he was born in the cold cave of Bethlehem. We are the followers of the Holy Apostle Andrew. Just as he endured hunger, cold, persecution, suffering, pain and finally martyrdom for Christ, so let us endure and suffer this time of try and thank God for everything ”, says Teodosio.

The Archbishop of Tomis also says that, today, the “persecution” of the church has taken “different forms, more subtle and treacherous.”

“The church of Christ has its citizenship in heaven, and its dwelling place is in the heaven of God’s love. Here on earth we are aliens and travelers. God’s people have always suffered the wrath and murderous wrath of the wicked. Today the persecution of the Church has taken various forms, more subtle and treacherous. With the pretext of liberation from the disease, churches are closed, Christians are intimidated, ridiculed, harassed. Christians are no longer given to beasts, but the beasts of evil always bite the Body of the Church through propaganda, evil, false accusations, slander and hatred, ”says the Archbishop of Tomis.

Theodosius urges the faithful not to allow the churches “to be locked up by those who have no right to kill the holy faith of the Romanian people” and to defend their orthodox faith “against the assault of the persecutors.”

“Let us also keep the fidelity and the light brought by the Holy Apostle Andrew. Here, in the last 15 years, 30 monasteries have been built in our Archdiocese. Let us seek the monasteries and let us be filled with the grace of God who dwells there. (…) Let us fill the holy churches for our sanctification and for the inheritance of the Kingdom of God. Let us never again allow the Churches built with sweat, tears and blood by our holy ancestors or the new ones built with sacrifice and work by our faithful believers to be shut up by those who have no right to kill the holy faith of the Romanian nation. Let us defend our Orthodox faith against the assault of the persecutors who seek to drain our souls of living water ”, was the message of the Archbishop of Tomis.

Publisher: GC
