League I to resume: conditions imposed by UEFA – News by sources


Good news for football fans! Football competitions could resume in Europe, despite decisions already made in the Netherlands and France, possibly in Italy, UEFA Medical Group chief Tim Meyer told Reuters on Wednesday.

His statements contradict those of his FIFA counterpart, Michel D’Hooghe, who stated that at least no game should be played until September, writes agerpres.ro.

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Meyer said that with “appropriate steps” in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic, the championships could be resumed at some point.

“Beyond any discussion about such a situation, the safety and health of those involved are priority issues. Any league that wants to restart national games must present comprehensive protocols on how to play games to avoid health risks,” Meyer said.

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UEFA has asked European soccer leagues to present their plans to resume the season, interrupted by the coronavirus pandemic, no later than May 25.

The letter from UEFA, sent by the president of this forum, Aleksander Ceferin, and the secretary general, Theodore Theodorisis, says: “National associations and / or leagues must notify UEFA before May 25 about their program of resumption, including resumption date and competition format. “

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Federations deciding not to resume the season, UEFA asked “to explain the particular circumstances justifying a premature stoppage and to select the clubs participating in the 2020-2021 European Cup season based on sporting merit in national competitions in the season 2019-2020 “.

The UEFA Executive Committee, which will meet on May 27, wants to be able to decide, at that time, the resumption of the Champions League and the Europa League, which would then end in August at the latest.

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UEFA has said it will show understanding for leagues that they will not be able to give a clear answer due to government decisions about coronaviruses.

UEFA has indicated that it prefers national federations to end the national season, not cancel it.

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The Bundesliga, Serie A and Premier League have announced that they want to end the season, but the Dutch and French championships have been canceled.
