Leaders of PNL, USR PLUS and UDMR announced how the ministries are divided


The leader of the NLP, Ludovic Orban, announced that Florin Cîţu is the candidate for the post of prime minister and has the support of the three political parties.

The president of the Senate will be a representative of USR PLUS, and that of the Chamber of Deputies one of PNL.

The government will have two deputy prime ministers and 18 ministries, of which 9 will be headed by representatives of the PNL, 6 from USR PLUS and 3 from UDMR.

Ministries returning to NLP

  • Ministry of National Defense
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Ministry of Public Finance
  • interior minister
  • Ministry of Education
  • Ministry of energy
  • Department of agriculture
  • Minister of Culture
  • Ministry of Labor and Social Protection

For his part, USR PLUS leader Dan Barna said today was an important step towards a stable coalition.

Portfolios assumed by USR PLUS

  • Ministry of Justice
  • Ministry of Transport
  • Ministry of Health
  • Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization
  • Ministry of Economy
  • Ministry of Entrepreneurship for SMEs

In turn, the president of the UDMR, Kelemen Hunor, declared that the Union has undertaken to participate in the formation of the parliamentary majority.

  • Ministry of Development and Administration of Public Works
  • Ministry of the Environment, Water and Forests
  • Ministry of Sports and Youth

Florin Cîţu said, in turn, that he will participate directly in the coming days for the completion of the government program.

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