Lawyer: Dragnea’s health has deteriorated. He has several hernias in his spine.


Liviu Dragnea’s lawyer, Flavia Teodosiu, affirms that she has several hernias in her spine, a condition that worsened and she had a medical consultation scheduled for June 30.

After the discussion with Anca Alexandrescu became public on June 25, Liviu Dragnea has not been transferred to the hospital until now. In addition, the former PSD leader was administratively and disciplinary sanctioned, and his lawyer challenged the decisions of the Rahova penitentiary commission.

“Before the private conversation he had online, Mr. Dragnea made a request to the Medical Department requesting that a consultation be scheduled at the Foisor Orthopedic Hospital, because the pain in the lumbar area had worsened, he was standing up, a symptom which signals the worsening of this diagnosis, ”said the lawyer for the former PSD leader, according to

Dragnea demanded that the costs that will exist will be borne by him.

“The request was approved by the Medical Department, the schedule was established, later the papers were sent to the management of the detention unit to organize transportation to the consultation. Mr. Dragnea, however, was unfortunately not transferred to the hospital until today, without receiving any explanation. It is important to mention that the online conversation that he had was made public on June 25 and the appointment at the hospital for consultation was scheduled for June 30. After the online conversation she had was made public, she was informed that they will not put her to work, but without any explanation about it, a situation that continues, unfortunately, even today ”, Flavia Teodosiu also affirmed.

According to her, a few days after the publication of the discussion Liviu Dragnea had with her former counselor, Anca Alexandrescu, she was informed that he was being investigated.

The explanations came a few days later, when he was informed that the prison had been notified about the publication of the conversation with Anca Alexandrescu and that an investigation was launched to establish whether or not the regulation had been violated. Mr. Dragnea was disciplinary investigated, and a decision was adopted by the Disciplinary Commission in this regard, through which he was sanctioned with the suspension of the right to receive and buy goods for a period of one month. At the same time, however, during the same period, an administrative measure was applied to him, namely the restriction of work, unfortunately, but for an indefinite period, an aspect that from my point of view is completely illegal, “added the lawyer. to Dragnea.

It indicates that the sanction was taken on the basis of a decision of the ANP that “does not have the force of law and that it is added to the law illegally and that stipulates that the sanctioned detainees cannot be used to work.”

“Currently, the sanction established by the Disciplinary Commission has been reduced by the judge of rights and freedoms and the judge supervising the deprivation of liberty of the Rahova Penitentiary, as a result of the complaint we filed. It was partially admitted, this disciplinary sanction was reduced by half, but the prison agreed to appeal to the court ”, added Flavia Teodosiu.

According to her, there are two pending lawsuits in court, which are not final.

In June, Anca Alexandrescu posted an online discussion she had with Liviu Dragnea. ANP then communicated that Alexandrescu had approval for a private discussion, not for an interview.


“The prison administration system ensures, in accordance with the legal provisions and under conditions that guarantee respect for human dignity, the application of the detention regime and the recovery treatment in a unitary and non-discriminatory manner, for all private persons of freedom.

Convicted persons receive medical assistance, treatment and care for free or paid, in accordance with the law, upon request or when necessary, the therapeutic conduct being established by their own medical personnel or those of health units outside the prison system, after case.

At the same time, considering the same perspective of legality, the right to walk daily and the right to participate in social reintegration activities are guaranteed in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 254/2013 on the execution of sentences and custodial measures ordered by the judicial bodies during the criminal process.

We emphasize that, through the activity of the judge overseeing the deprivation of liberty, carried out at the level of the penitentiary unit, the exercise of the rights provided by law for detained persons is permanently subject to the supervision and control of legality ”.
