Laurențiu Luca, General Manager of Synevo Romania: It is very important for the authorities to support and facilitate long-term access to medical services.


What business decisions has your company made since the outbreak of the coronavirus epidemic?

We have been closely following, since February, the crisis caused by the rapid spread of the new coronavirus in China, as well as communications from the World Health Organization. China is also a major supplier to the sanitary ware market: it was normal to stay informed and analyze the possible impact on our operations in Europe.

When the first cases appeared in Europe, we launched an internal information campaign and began to operationalize the business for the epidemic.

The first measures taken by Synevo Romania were aimed at protecting patients and employees, in order to keep most of the collection points and laboratories in the Synevo network open.

Among the measures implemented is the training of medical personnel and employees on the measures recommended by the authorities to prevent the spread of COVID-19, as they are prepared to respond to requests from our patients. We also intensify the frequency of disinfection procedures in all collection centers and laboratories. For sterilization and disinfection, we also use air purification technology with the help of UV systems. In each collection center, the access of an optimal number of patients during this interval is recommended to respect the minimum distance indicated by the authorities, and in the collection office only one patient is allowed to access. Most of the receptions were equipped with protective screens, and the waiting space was delimited to meet the minimum recommended distance. The medical staff that ensures the collection of biological samples is properly equipped.

Colleagues in support departments work from home, while laboratory personnel work on a rotating basis. Furthermore, due to the significant reduction in the number of patients and, consequently, in the number of laboratory tests carried out, we have implemented measures to reduce working time and technical unemployment.

We also encourage clients to access results online to minimize human contact.

We have always been in contact with the responsible authorities to identify the ways in which Synevo can support the diagnostic process. Starting April 1, 2020, we began the sample processing process for the identification of the SARS-COV2 virus at the Synevo Central Laboratory in Chiajna, where we have fully automated equipment with high testing capacity and qualified personnel. Therefore, under the coordination of the Romanian authorities, we have so far processed a number of approximately 7,000 Covid-19 samples.

What steps has your company taken to support employees since the outbreak of the coronavirus epidemic?

We have taken all available security measures. For medical personnel, protective equipment was provided in accordance with national and international regulations, both in laboratories and in collection centers. For non-medical personnel we encourage work from home, and in our facilities we intensify the frequency of sanitation and disinfection operations.

Since mid-February, we have launched a preventive information campaign, which keeps employees up to date with the evolution of the pandemic, prevention regulations, company decisions and the authorities.

In the context of the state of emergency, we reviewed our development plans, postponed the events scheduled for the next period, stopped all business trips both at home and abroad, respecting all the measures required by the provisions of the state of emergency .

Our activity is at the service of patients, who need uninterrupted access to diagnostic services. There are conditions for which you should carefully monitor your health. It is important to be with these patients now more than ever. We can only take the example of pregnant women who need to monitor their pregnancy and conduct certain research within a defined period of time. For all these patients, we do everything possible to keep most of the work points open in the national network and carry out our activity in optimal security conditions.

What are the government measures that should be taken in the next period of time to mitigate the negative effects of coronavirus on activity in the sector in which it operates?

We are going through an unprecedented situation, which generates many questions and unknowns. Our lives, everyone’s, have changed overnight and we need to quickly adapt to the current context.

It is very important to strictly follow the rules of prevention and the recommendations of the authorities, be responsible and support the efforts of those who are on the front line.

We are confident that the entities involved, both public and private, will do everything possible to overcome the effects of this difficult period for all of us.

It is very important that the authorities support and facilitate long-term access to medical services. With the resumption of activity, those concerned about their health, whether in a preventive or curative sense, will need conditions of trust and security to take care of their health.

What are the possible scenarios you see for your business if the epidemic continues and / or grows? But for the entire Romanian economy?

A longer duration of the pandemic would put great pressure on the entire economy, not just on the medical system. However, the need for medical services exists and cannot currently be met by replacement services. For this reason, I believe that, in the next period, we will gradually increase the amount of laboratory services performed, since the distance actions implemented by the authorities will be reduced or modified. It is obvious that the entire economy will suffer, especially since the sectors of the economy are interdependent. However, there is light at the end of the tunnel.

For most of us, this pandemic is a permanent challenge due to the uniqueness of the situation to which we are exposed hour by hour, day by day. It is important that in the coming period we do everything possible to protect our health and the health of those around us.

How do you think you could help the community: social and / or business?

In our case, the help we can offer is being available, providing specific services to the authorities in this epidemiological context, and doing our work at the highest level, providing patients with the best quality services.

Sampling centers for medical analysis are extremely important for a large number of patients, especially in the context of directing the activity of hospitals primarily to treat cases of COVID-19.

We will continue our participation in the national testing program for COVID-19, together with the Romanian authorities. Our team in the Molecular Biology department works seven days a week, so that we can transmit the results in a minimum time and help as many patients as possible.

