Laura Codruța Kovesi is getting married, on one condition. Her SPP boyfriend asked her to be his wife


Last year, the beloved SPP member of the European Attorney General Laura Codruța Kovesi proposed to her. What response did you receive and what were the conditions you imposed?

Laura Codruța Kovesi gets married

Probably many people know a lot of professional things about Laura Codruța Kovesi. Things like the fact that her father was a judge, that she played basketball for the Romanian national team and that she had an impeccable career in justice. After being a prosecutor in Sibiu, she became the youngest prosecutor general in the history of Romania. From 2013 to 2018, Laura Codruța Kovesi was the DNA chief prosecutor. This role brought him as much satisfaction as many enemies.

Since this year, Laura has held one of the highest positions in European justice, the position of Chief Prosecutor of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office, an institution based in Brussels. Laura Codruța Kovesi, on a personal level, has always been a discreet person. The 47-year-old prosecutor was married to Eduard Kovesi from 2002 to 2009.

She was proposed in marriage by her beloved SPP member.

Eduard Kovesi’s divorce was discreet, but there were many rumors that the man was forced to sign a confidentiality agreement. In 2018, after many years in which she dedicated herself only to her career, information appeared according to which Laura would have a relationship with the SPP member who protected her for years.

Laura admitted that she has a stable relationship in one of the few interviews she gave, but would not say who the man is. When the presenter Andreea Esca asked her if she has in mind a famous person with whom she would like to be trapped in the elevator, Laura’s response was: “the one that matters a lot to me and with whom I share my life.”

Laura Codruța Kovesi
Her boyfriend proposed to her.

I would accept on one condition

According to information obtained by, it appears that the man in question asked Laura Codrua Kovesi about his wife, an incident that took place in a romantic setting last year. The attorney general responded to her boyfriend that it was not yet time to take that step and that she would agree to be in front of the altar again, only if she became pregnant.

According to the statements she made public, Laura’s greatest desire is to be a mother:

“The only thing left alive after us is the children. Being a father is the hardest thing in the world. Then I’ll find out if I can really handle it. Yes, I want children. If it happens, great,” said the former head of DNA.
