Officials of the World Health Organization (WHO) expressed their concern on Friday about an increasingly visible perception that with the advance in the design of vaccines against the Covid-19 pandemic they are coming to an end, they warn that we still have a long way to go. in hospitals “it is the most difficult.”

“The advancement of vaccines gives us all hope and now we are beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel. However, WHO is concerned about a growing perception that the Covid-19 pandemic is over, “said Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the organization’s director general, according to Reuters and AFP, writes Agerpres.

“The pandemic still has a long way to go,” Tedros warned. He urged citizens to continue to comply with preventive measures, even if vaccines against Covid-19 begin to appear.

“We know it was a difficult year and that people got tired, but in hospitals that work at or above their capacity, it is the most difficult. The truth is that many places are currently facing high transmission of the virus, which puts enormous pressure on hospitals, intensive care units and health personnel, ”said the director of the World Health Organization.