Latest news from the Environmental Guard: the source that POLLUTED the air in the Capital on Saturday night has been IDENTIFIED – Source News


The National Environment Guard (GNM) has identified the possible source of air pollution, which led to the record of pollutant values ​​above the average, on the night of Saturday to Sunday, namely a smelter that did not work during the control, but for which it had been previously applied a sanction, according to Agerpres.

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“(…) the permanent teams of the National Environmental Guard inside the Ilfov and Bucharest police stations monitored, during the nights of October 23 to 24 and October 24 to 25, the areas where the measurement sensors of the air quality had very important exceedances.After the verifications, the permanent team of the Ilfov county police station identified a possible source of contamination, a foundry that did not work during the control, this being previously sanctioned by the representatives of GNM – City Council of Ilfov. Subsequently, the GNM commissioners moved to the Sinteşti – Ilfov area, near Zlătari street, where a very strong odor was found. During the inspection, the exact source of the incident could not be identified. Contamination, “he said the institution.

The Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests (MMAP) announced this Sunday that, during the night of October 24 to 25, approximately between 20:00 and 00:00, the concentrations of contaminants are monitored within the National Network Air Quality Monitoring (RNMCA) registered increases in almost all monitoring stations.

The value of the concentrations of PM 2.5 compared to that of PM 10 (approximately 80%) indicates the existence of combustion processes carried out at the beginning of the afternoon, the increase in concentrations being favored by the deficient dispersion of pollutants, being almost totally established the atmospheric calm from 18:00.

“No limit value has been exceeded, except PM 10, in which the average daily concentration has exceeded the limit values ​​in stations B6 (60 micrograms / m3) and B1 (55 micrograms / m3). These values ​​will later be validated by means of Gravimetric measurements, by The evolution of concentrations (PM10, PM 2.5 NO2, CO, benzene) and the meteorological indicators indicate the possible causes of road traffic and residential heating with wood on the outskirts of Bucharest. They were significant, the meteorological factors have influenced the dispersion of pollutants and led to these increases compared to the previous days. The permanent teams of the National Environmental Guard are ready to carry out controls tonight if the sensors will indicate that we exceed the parameters of air quality, ”the ministry wrote on Facebook as a resource.

It is for the second time this week that the pollutant emissions recorded in Bucharest exceed normal values. Thus, on the night of October 22-23, the independent air quality measurement stations recorded exceedances due to contamination with PM 10 and PM2.5 particles, of almost 350%. The highest values ​​were recorded at the Bragadiru station (increase of 347% in PM 2.5, respectively 236% in PM 10).

Suspended particles (PM10) come mainly from polluting emissions from industry, traffic and domestic heating. They can cause asthma, cardiovascular disease, lung cancer, and premature death. The acceptable daily value of PM10 for the protection of human health is 50 micrograms / cubic meter, while the annual limit value is 40 micrograms / cubic meter.

PM2.5 particulate matter, 2.5 micrograms or less in diameter, is also hazardous to health as it can penetrate deep into the lungs. The World Health Organization (WHO) has established a daily air quality threshold of 25 micrograms of PM2.5 per cubic meter of air.

In Romania, according to Law no. 104 of June 15, 2011, the value of the annual PM2.5 targets is set at 25 micrograms / cubic meter, while the annual limit value to be reached on January 1, 2020 was 20 micrograms / cubic meter.

The Air Quality Index (ICA) draws attention to areas with air quality problems and is determined based on the concentrations of pollutants CO, NO2, SO2, PM2.5 and PM10 registered by traffic and urban stations. These indices are calculated based on the French methodology underlying the CAQI – Common Air Quality Index. In the first stage of the project, the ICA is provided with the recorded values ​​for PM2.5 and PM10, and the gas values ​​will be added once the tests are completed.

According to official data, at this time, the National Air Quality Monitoring Network (RNMCA) includes 148 stations in operation, of which eight points are located in Bucharest, in the areas: National Military Circle, Morii Lake, Titán, Baloteşti , Măgurele, Bucur Obor, Drumul Taberei and Berceni.

The network will be expanded with 17 new stations, through an investment of 81 million lei, an amount that will also cover the implementation of an air quality forecasting system, the Minister of the Environment, Water and Forests, Costel, recently announced. Alexe. , at a press conference.
