LAST MINUTE The first Romanian infected with the new coronavirus contracted the virus again: ‘We are starting to make friends’ – News from sources


The first Romanian infected with the new coronavirus, a young man from Gorj county, contracted the virus again: “The virus and I are starting to make friends,” announces MEDIAFAX.

„Quarantine piece. 2! I managed to get the performance infected a second time with Covid-19. And now it’s the same as the first time. The virus and I are beginning to make friends ”, is the message that the young man published on Wednesday.

The Romanian from the commune of Prigoria, Gorj county, had been infected in February, when he worked in a restaurant owned by the Italian who was hospitalized at that time in Rimini, also with coronavirus.

The mayor of the Prigoria commune, Iuliana Iliescu, told MEDIAFAX at the time that the young man lived with his grandparents and parents in the town of Dobrana and worked in a restaurant where the owner was an Italian who went to relatives in Romania, called by the then Minister of Health “patient zero”. “.

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“This morning (Wednesday – no) I knew he was in contact and I was watching him all day, and with the Police. He knew about the family, but was waiting for the test results. The confirmation came a few minutes ago. The gendarmerie arrived, we are waiting for the special car from Craiova to take it to Bucharest. The boy works in a unit owned by the Italian. He worked here in Romania, not in Italy. The boy is from Dobrana, he lives with his parents and grandparents. Everyone is isolated this morning. He is about 20 years old, ”the mayor declared in February.

He was confirmed with coronavirus at the Matei Balş Institute in Bucharest, Nelu Tătaru then declared, for MEDIAFAX, that he is a patient from Gorj County.

The 71-year-old Italian citizen had visited Romania, after which he was diagnosed with coronavirus and hospitalized in a hospital in Rimini, an Italian city in the Emilia-Romagna region, with about 150,000 inhabitants.
