LAST MINUTE: Coronavirus kills three more in Romania, including 49-year-old woman – News from sources


The Strategic Communication Group announces three more deaths among COVID-19 patients. The balance in Romania reaches 688 deaths.

Deaths 686

Female, 49 years old from Bistrița Năsăud County.

Hospitalized on 09.04.2020 at Bistrița-Năsăud County Emergency Hospital -Infectious Diseases, from 04.12.2020 ATI- intubated and

mechanically ventilated

Harvest for COVID-19 on 09.04.2020.

Positive result on 04.10.2020.

Died on 04.29.2020.

Comorbidities: Asthma std 3, HTA std. 2, left ventricular failure, supraventricular tachycardia.

Deaths 687

55-year-old man from Teleorman County. Admitted on 04.27.2020 at the Marius Nasta Hospital.

Harvested for COVID-19 on 04.28.2020.

Positive result on 04.28.2020.

Died on 04/28/2020.

Comorbidities: squamous cell carcinoma of the left lung – immunotherapy treatment, remitted tetraparesis (after stroke), chronic ischemic heart disease, paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, obesity, chronic hepatitis B virus.

Deaths 688

Male, 62 years from Tulcea County.

Hospitalized on 04/19/2020 at the Emergency County Hospital – Infectious Diseases Tulcea transferred on 04/20/2020 at Medgidia City Hospital.

Contact with confirmed case (daughter-in-law).

Harvest for COVID-19 on 18.04.2020.

Positive result on 04/19/2020.

Died on 04.29.2020.

Comorbidities: diabetes mellitus
