Last minute announcement from the Ministry of Education! What is happening with the schools in Romania?


„The Ministry of Education and Research monitors the dynamics of the operating scenarios of the pre-university education units at the national level, this being influenced by the evolution of the epidemiological situation in each region.

Therefore, today September 22, according to the data transmitted by the county school inspections (including the municipality of Bucharest), the following situation is recorded:

– 12,945 educational units in Scenario 1 (S1): daily participation (face-to-face) of all preschoolers and students of educational units, in compliance with and application of all health protection regulations

– 4,408 educational units in Scenario 2 (S2). It implies the daily (face-to-face) participation of all preschoolers and primary school students, students in grades VIII and XII, in the compliance and application of all protection regulations, and partial return (by rotation of one to two weeks) the students of the other secondary and high school classes, with the fulfillment and application of all the protection regulations

– 303 educational units in Scenario 3 (S3): the participation of all preschoolers and students in online activities / lessons ”, is shown in the statement sent by the Ministry of Education.

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“The boards of directors at the level of each educational unit adopt the proposed scenarios and, implicitly, their modification, based on the analysis of the epidemiological situation carried out by the public health directorates and the National Institute of Public Health, the infrastructure and resources existing in each educational unit “, is also written in the statement.

We remind you that, in accordance with the joint order of the Minister of Education and Research and the Minister of Health No. 5,487 / 1,494 / 09/01/2020, the epidemiological criterion from which the educational units / institutions establish one of the three operational scenarios is the cumulative incidence rate, respectively: the total of new cases in the last 14 days compared to 1,000 population.

Decisions on the operating scenario during the school year are updated weekly or as needed. The reference date for this information is September 22 at 12:00 ”, states the Ministry of Education.
