Last balance in Italy: a new REGISTRY was reached, the most expected so far – News from sources


In Italy, there are 101,551 people infected with Covid-19, 3,106 less than the previous day, Civil Protection announced.

And the death toll has dropped to 285 in the past 24 hours from 323 on Wednesday. There are a total of 27,967 victims. The total number of cures is 75,945, with 4,693 more compared to Wednesday, a record number, writes

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There are 81,708 people in solitary confinement in the home, 1,944 fewer than on Wednesday. 68,456 tests were performed, compared to Wednesday: 63,827. The total number of cases in Italy is 205,463, an increase compared to April 29 by 1,872 people.

Most cases of infection were registered in the Lombardy region, 75,732 and 13,772 deaths. In the Emilia Romagna region there are 25,436 cases and 3,551 deaths, and in Piedmont there are 26,289 cases and 3,066 deaths. In Veneto, there were 17,960 coronavirus cases and 1,559 deaths.

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