Large sums that Moderna and Pfizer will earn from the Covid vaccine


The Covid-19 vaccine developed by Pfizer will also be approved for use in the United States, an important moment for science, the economy and humanity, in the context in which the pandemic that has affected the planet for almost a year could be defeated with these serums, CNN reports.

Wall Street analysts estimate that the two companies that produced effective Covid-19 vaccines, Pfizer and Moderna, will have revenues of about $ 32 billion next year alone.

In addition to the huge increase in revenue, the two companies will also have increased their profile in the market as they contribute to ending the worst pandemic to hit humanity in the last hundred years. For Moderna, this is even more important, given that this company is a young company, which few people had heard of until 2020, but which is now on the verge of obtaining its first authorization from the US Food and Drug Administration. USA.

The Covid vaccine, a major boost for Pfizer, but especially for BioNTech

Pfizer is expected to generate $ 19 billion in revenue in 2021 after its vaccine is approved in more and more countries. The UK has already approved the serum and started the vaccination campaign, and the US will also approve it this week or next. This revenue is in addition to the $ 975 million the company earns in 2020. In 2022 and 2023, as the world continues to get vaccinated against the disease, Pfizer would earn another $ 9.3 billion.

Pfizer will share this revenue with BioNTech, the German company with which it developed the Covid-19 vaccine.

The success of the vaccine did not cause a “boom” in the company’s stock markets because Pfizer is already a giant in the market, but it has grown 12% this year. BioNTech, on the other hand, is growing strongly, by more than 300%. The company is now valued at nearly $ 30 billion.

From David to Goliath. 700% increase in Moderna’s stock market after the announcement of the vaccine

Meanwhile, Moderna’s Covid-19 vaccine has turned a previously unknown company into a major player in the market, valued at $ 62 billion. Its shares have grown enormously, more than 700% this year, and Morgan Stanley estimates that half of this market value is due to the vaccine.

Moderna is expected to raise $ 13.2 billion from the launch of its vaccine, according to Goldman Sachs. Morgan Stanley paints an even more optimistic picture of Moderna, which it estimates will make $ 10-15 billion from the sale of the vaccine in 2021 and 2022. These are absolutely huge sums for a company that had sales of just $ 60 in 2019. million and never licensed a product before.
