Klaus Iohannis: The parliamentary elections cannot be postponed. Right now, we are not talking about a lock


President Klaus Iohannis said on Wednesday that the parliamentary elections could not be postponed, calling them false views that the December 6 elections could be postponed to early next year.

President Klaus Iohannis also said that a decision on a possible quarantine of the capital and counties with an incidence of more than 3 must follow a proposal from experts, but said he had not heard of such a proposal.

Regarding the closure at the national level, the president noted that such a measure was not being discussed at this time.

LIVE TEXT statements from President Klaus Iohannis:

Klaus Iohannis, on the parliamentary elections

– We are heading straight for the parliamentary elections on December 6, a date that is already set by law. I have noticed that some politicians propagate the idea that someone cares at all costs about the organization of elections and that they can be postponed. I want it to be clear to everyone that the parliamentary elections cannot be postponed. They are the only valid democratic option that will allow us to have a new legislature legitimized by the vote of the citizens.

– Parliamentary elections should not be postponed so that a party feels better prepared for a few months. They must take place on the established date.

– Elections must take place on time, it is essential for the way we will manage the pandemic and for the period of post-pandemic reconstruction.

– The current majority of the PSD is illegitimate and no longer represents the will of the Romanians. What has this toxic and unrepresentative majority done since March? Have you put your shoulder in the task of solving this health crisis? No, on the contrary. The current majority of the PSD has voted populist laws that could lead Romania into the worst economic crisis in 30 years.

Iohannis, on the appointment of Florin Iordache

– Yesterday, Florin Iordache was elected president of the Legislative Council. PSD, despite desperate attempts to beautify its image, is still the same toxic party.

– He always finds a way to reward his servers with charges paid generously with public money. Everything for their own, nothing for the citizens. The challenge of the PSD members towards the Romanians is intolerable.

Iohannis, on the Covid-19 pandemic

– The current epidemiological situation is worrying, but the pandemic will not end in January, February or March of next year, as some suggest.

– Precisely because we are in a health crisis, we must do everything possible so that Romania is not left without a parliament with full powers. The voting process does not present major problems. Instead, the campaign involves increased attention. Stricter regulations have been established to significantly limit exposure to the risk of contamination.

President Klaus Iohannis responds to questions from journalists:

Question: Are you thinking of quarantining the capital?

Klaus Iohannis: This proposal must come from specialists. I have not heard of any proposals directed at the capital or entire counties. I don’t want to quarantine Bucharest.

Question: PNL and USR accuse each other of voting for Florin Iordache. How do you see this dispute?

Klaus Iohannis: I think this election has been so upsetting to the world that they are trying to find culprits rather than solutions. It would be strange if they argued, because in the end the toxic majority of the PSD won here and I think that in the meantime it has become very clear that it is not possible to continue like this.

Question: The head of the Chancellery of the White House declared that there will be revelations about the Romanian connection with Hunter Biden, the son of Joe Biden.

Klaus Iohannis: I have no information on this character.

Question: Will you support the elections if we reach 7,000 cases a day?

Klaus Iohannis: Yes, I argue that it is important to organize parliamentary elections, obviously under special conditions and in strict compliance with the imposed rules.

Klaus Iohannis, on the confinement in Romania

Question: Doctors discuss the possibility of a two-week quarantine. Is a lock being considered?

Klaus Iohannis: At the moment, we are not talking about blocking, that is, closing all activities, but looking for solutions that allow the spread of the virus, but the continuation of essential activities. In this approach, we must also analyze the organization of parliamentary elections. Closing the country is not a solution. After that, what do we do? Again we have to start from 0. We have to find a fair balance that allows us to continue with our lives. We will return to normal if we are careful now and if scientists can find a vaccine.

Question: Would Ludovic Orban remain the first choice for the post of minister, if USR conditioned a majority in Parliament to another appointment?

Klaus Iohannis: This whole story is part of the campaign stories. Ludovic Orban is still my first prime minister.

Question: Do you think a massive test is appropriate?

Klaus Iohannis: You cannot carry out massive tests in Romania, we do not have personnel for such a thing.
