Klaus Iohannis participated in the award ceremony for Nicolae Ciucă, at ​​the United States Embassy. The President’s Message


President Klaus Iohannis said on Tuesday that strengthening and expanding the Strategic Partnership with the United States is a basic pillar of Romania’s foreign policy, Agerpres reports.

“The strengthening and expansion of the Strategic Association with the United States of America is a basic pillar of Romania’s foreign policy, to promote the fundamental interests of our country, in a spirit of continuity and predictability. I welcome the significant progress carried out in recent years in the implementation of our common vision of an extended, sustainable, dynamic Strategic Partnership deeply rooted in Euro-Atlantic values, capable of responding to the need to manage the risks and threats we face, “he said. the head of state at the United States embassy, ​​at the award ceremony of the acting prime minister, Nicolae Ciucă.

He emphasized that defense and security, trade, investment and energy security, democracy, the rule of law, human rights and good governance, education, science, research and technology are defining levels. in which the Association with the United States is constantly evolving.

Iohannis indicated that, in the difficult context of the current pandemic, Romania has maintained a continuous dialogue with the US Administration and effective forms of cooperation have been identified to manage and mitigate the effects generated by this virus.

The president mentioned that there are excellent premises to deepen cooperation at all levels, from the field of defense to the economic in a broad sense, including the area of ​​energy and infrastructure.

“We especially appreciate cooperation in the field of defense manning with corporations in the United States of America, which is beneficial for the modernization of our military. The Romanian state maintains as its main objective the expansion and deepening of bilateral cooperation in the future, ”said Iohannis.

He congratulated Nicolae Ciuca and pointed out that the award received represents recognition of the very important role he played in the development of bilateral military relations between Romania and the United States of America.

“The political agreement concluded in 2015 allowed us to secure 2% of GDP for defense financing, starting in 2017, thus respecting the decisions made within NATO. The Romanian military has made and continues to make an important contribution to combat the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, the Army will play a fundamental role in coordinating and executing the vaccination campaign against this disease, a campaign that will begin shortly, ”said Iohannis.

The event was also attended by the president of the PNL, former Prime Minister Ludovic Orban.

Nicolae Ciucă is awarded the Legion of Merit (at the rank of officer) for the recognition of merits during the activity of Chief of Defense Staff, between January 2015 and December 2019.

Publisher: RK
