Klaus Iohannis, message during the PNL – UDMR – RSU negotiations: what priority does the president announce – News sources


Today marks five years since the conclusion of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, whose main objective is to limit global warming to below 2 ° C and strive to keep it at 1.5 ° C until the end of this century. However, to achieve these goals, it is necessary to intensify efforts now and not later. Therefore, Romania, as well as the other member states of the United Nations and the European Union, propose additional actions. I will participate directly, in my capacity as President of Romania, in promoting and supporting such actions.

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In our country, the effects of climate change are more and more pronounced: increased temperatures during the summer, desertification in several regions, drought that affects crops and access to food. There are phenomena that will continue to manifest themselves, as large volumes of greenhouse gases are already emitted into the atmosphere. To limit its impact on daily life, the European Union and the Romanian Government are preparing a series of specific measures for the coming years.

It is imperative that we ensure that the effects of climate change do not become more pronounced and multiply until they drastically affect our lives and health. In this regard, at this week’s European Council meeting, we decided, together with European leaders, to reduce net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030 compared to 1990. We already had the decision to become neutral. in terms of carbon by 2050. In Romania, we will implement in the coming years a series of projects to achieve these goals, while supporting economic growth and the well-being of citizens.

The effects of climate change do not take into account state borders, they concern us directly and that is why we must all get involved to limit them, especially since scientific evidence indicates the current way of carrying out human activities as a cause of climate change. Recently, more and more political, economic and civil society leaders around the world have pledged to take action to prevent irreversible climate change. Romania is part of this effort and we will contribute to consolidating the status of the European Union as a leader in this field. In addition, we want to become leaders in strong action on climate change.

Dear Romanians,

Reaching the ambitious goals of climate change and transforming Romania into a leader in this field is up to each one of us. Whether they are authorities that support an adequate public policy and legislative framework, companies that adopt a sustainable model or citizens who choose every day through their actions to protect the environment. The power to act in this field and set an example in our community belongs to each of us. But we must be aware, above all, that climate change is affecting us all.

Perhaps the melting of glaciers at the end of the world seems to us a problem that does not affect us because it does not happen to us, but the drought that destroyed our agricultural production in the country this year for farmers means loss of income, and for the rest of us. means more expensive food. And this drought is related to the climate change we are facing. When we see news of storms, hail, or landslides in various parts of the country, we need to know that they are most likely an effect of climate change.

I have no doubt that together we can overcome this great challenge of our time, climate change, as we have successfully faced other great challenges in our history.
