Klaus Iohannis makes statements at 18:30. The president announces what will happen tomorrow


President Klaus Iohannis will make a press release at 6:30 p.m., announces the Presidential Administration. The president is expected to announce the measures that will take effect tomorrow. Klaus Iohannis specified that it will not prolong the state of emergency, and that the alert state will take effect tomorrow.

Today, the PSD asked the president to extend the state of emergency for 3 days to cover the period in which the government cannot limit rights and freedoms, until the law that regulates the legal framework for the measures that can be taken during the alert period becomes effective.

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban said before the government meeting that today the Emergency Situations Committee will announce the imposition of the state of alert. According to the statements made so far by the officials, during the alert state, a trip within the locality will no longer be necessary, but it will be necessary for trips outside the localities. Leaving town can be done for business trips, farm work, family events, hiking, climbing, or biking.

Additionally, salons, dental offices, and stores that have street access will open tomorrow.

Publisher: Robert Kiss
