Klaus Iohannis: “In the absence of a vaccine, the virus has only one barrier: everyone’s attention”


President Klaus Iohannis on Wednesday called for greater accountability in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and the high number of infections and people in ATI.

The news is updated.

The most important statements of President Klaus Iohannis:

– Today we register new worrying figures. I want to extend my condolences to the bereaved families. In the context of the new relaxation measures, I make a new appeal: Dear Romanians, please remain responsible. The virus, in the absence of a vaccine, has only one barrier, everyone’s care – personal protection – mask, remote hand washing. The government has taken measures, of course, not everything is perfect, these errors can be recognized and corrected

– There are those who, instead of being part of this enormous construction effort, are trying to sabotage. I mean PSD. I witnessed a situation that was ridiculous.

– Even those who initiated the motion could not guarantee the presence of their own parliamentarians in the room. After Monday’s predictable and regrettable failure, I wonder who used this PSD political discussion.

– Stop these cynical games that only provoke mistrust. The health crisis has generated chain reactions that have revealed the failure of this way of doing politics typical of the last 30 years and patented by PSD


On the accident in which the Minister of Transport was involved

“I can say that it is unfortunate that an accident occurs when a dignitary is in the car.” Two conclusions: the first is that it is not good to rush, two are the need to develop infrastructure.
The good news is that no one was seriously injured. That is good luck. Otherwise, the authorities should do their job.

About the death rate related to COVID-19 in Romania

– I also spoke with the Minister of Health in recent days. The data is worrying. That is why I repeat that people wear masks, keep their distance, wash their hands. If you don’t want to go to the hospital, protect yourself.

– Since the pandemic began, we are not bad, but that does not bring life back to anyone among those who died.

Is Bode’s situation different from Gabriel Oprea’s in terms of abuse of authority, should he resign?

– It is difficult to compare the cases (that of Gabriela Oprea). There was no column in this latest accident. The minister said goodbye with the car legally provided by SPP.

If the increase in the number of cases continues, should the recent measures be abandoned?

– For now, experts say that the school year can be opened. If, God forbid, the number of infected hospitalized in ATI increases, in a short time one could resort to methods that have been used before: online education, school otherwise. I hope we don’t get there.

On the route in NLP, the goal excuses the media, will you be in the campaign with people who massacred the laws of justice with Dragnea?

– I am against the political trajectory. I had meetings with former NLP colleagues and I told them this.
Is your word not taken into account? -Probably more and more taken into account.

Do you know what the UDMR liberals promised?

“I observed these changes in attitude with some surprise.” I have no information, you should ask at UDMR. I don’t know the motivation and I can’t afford to make assumptions.
