Klaus Iohannis engaged in a melee battle with Life. History is littered with corpses of those who thought they could defeat Life. Shouldn’t Klaus Iohannis know that?


Publicist Ion Cristoiu points out that President Iohannis wants parliamentary elections to be held on December 6 at all costs and, despite the second wave of the pandemic, avoids taking drastic control measures so that the PNL does not collapse electorally and now it cannot have “my Government” winning an overwhelming majority.

We reproduce in full the editorial published in cristoiublog:

In most European countries, the Second Pandemic Wave, as some call it the Return of the Coronavirus, has created a true state of war, in which the authorities are taking increasingly severe restrictions, with a worried look on the situation. economical.

What is happening in Romania?

Romania prepares for the elections.

Everywhere parties have set up their absurdly permissible posters and tents only until the actual election campaign begins. The electoral list scandal ended in the parties, with their submission to the BEC. As has happened so far this post-December, the party leader made the list as he wanted, more like the housewife who, when making the shopping list, you should consider. and the state of internal finances. Members of the government, led by the prime minister, toured the country for electoral purposes. All listed ministers are in charge of elections. Nobody is in charge of the administration of the country anymore.

Thus, while in most European countries the atmosphere of war reigns, of the Third World War, in Romania the electoral atmosphere reigns.

The country is making steady progress towards the elections on December 6, 2020.

The ambition that they remain at all costs on December 6, 2020 is Klaus Iohannis. However, all parties are preparing for the elections. Some, like PSD, play offside. Complying, that is, with all the procedures required for the preparation of the elections and, at the same time, advocating for their postponement due to the Pandemic. The maneuver is not without meaning. PSD wants to leave all responsibility for the infections to Klaus Iohannis and the Government. In turn, Klaus Iohannis and the government are struggling to assign responsibility to local authorities. It’s a dangerous game for Klaus Iohannis and the government. In this case, Romanians are not so easily fooled. They know that the president wants to hold elections on December 6, 2020, and not for the sake of democracy, as he says in all press conferences, but for political interest. Postponing the elections would reduce the chances of the NLP winning them. Either Klaus Iohannis made a matter of life and death of victory, and not anyway, but crushing NLP in this election. For Klaus Iohannis, NLP is not My Party, that would be something honorable for NLP, but the servant on whose back he puts His Majesty’s boot to get on the horse.

Klaus Iohannis sees the overwhelming majority of NLP as the instrument of his absolute Power.

Klaus Iohannis is the master of the system in present-day Romania.

You can do anything on the political stage.

Do you want Pro Romania, whose list Silviu Predoiu is on, to take a hit?

Nothing easier.

The DNA leaves Nicolae Bănicioiu, one of the leaders of the party’s force, out of the game.


Very simple.

Making a call to the long medium practiced by the SRI-DNA Binomial:

Preparing a record of events that occurred long ago when she was the grandmother and Codruţa Kovesi Nefertiti of the eastern border of NATO.

As happened in all cases during the Binomial period, the fact that Bănicioiu is accused took place between 2012 and 2014. It has been six years since 2014. How the hell did DNA just find out? Someone came to the DNA in the last few days and said, scratching his head in shame: You know, for 6 years I took care of my business, but now that I have done all my work, I have married the girl and finished my grave in the cemetery, I found time to go to DNA.

Unfortunately for Klaus Iohannis, a terrible opponent arose against his ambitions, which not even the generals of the USA, then those of Romania, can face:


Accustomed to fighting with Romanian politicians and bringing them to their knees with the help of the institutions of force installed in the System, Klaus Iohannis faced war with the Pandemic.

There are six weeks until the elections.

Six weeks in which, if a miracle does not happen like in the Hollywood movies in which the aliens who came to conquer Earth with their sophisticated weapons disappear on a night killed by the flu, the Pandemic will wreak havoc in Romania.

And that?

The president will go ahead with holding elections on December 6, 2020.

And if the number of daily cases reaches 10,000, and patients queue for intensive care, Klaus Iohannis does not intend to give up the ambition that devours him:

Do not postpone the elections.

Because postponing the elections would fatally lead to the dramatic erosion of the PNL, the ruling party. Not enough to lose the election, but enough not to win the overwhelming majority that Klaus Iohannis is betting on.

Because the president wants the PNL to form only a government.

Only in this way does the election bring Klaus Iohannis the transition from partial power to full power.

Holding the elections on December 6, 2020 at any cost is not the only condition for the NLP to have an overwhelming score, and therefore Klaus Iohannis finally seizes absolute power in Romania.

Another condition is to avoid firm restrictive measures.

These measures taken throughout Europe are also required of us by the need to keep the pandemic under control. If they took them, and especially if they passed as taken by Klaus Iohannis and the Government, the electoral capital of the PNL would collapse.

What do you mean? Romanians would say, to keep the pandemic under control, we have to limit our normal life again, but we will still go to the polls.

And that’s because Klaus Iohannis wants NLP to win them over in a landslide!

Klaus Iohannis engaged in a battle with Life.

History is littered with corpses of those who thought they could defeat Life.

Shouldn’t Klaus Iohannis know that?

NOTE: This editorial is taken entirely from cristoiublog.ro.

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