Klaus Iohannis backs down on EU leaders and accepts vaccination passport, but sets conditions – News source


Klaus Iohannis participated, from February 25 to 26, 2021, in the extraordinary meeting of the European Council, in videoconference format. The vaccination passport was also discussed, with which Iohannis disagreed in January.

One of the main topics discussed was the coordination of the European Union (EU) in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and health action, with a focus on the lessons learned from the current crisis, strengthening the resilience of the EU in health and crisis management, with a view to the creation of a Health Union, as well as aspects of international cooperation in the field. European leaders also discussed security and defense issues, focusing on EU cooperation on the ground and complementarity with international action, as well as on the southern neighborhood of the Union.

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On EU coordination in managing the COVID-19 pandemic and strengthening the Union’s health resilience, Heads of State and Government addressed both vaccination-related issues and elements of measures at internal borders and external to the European Union.

In the statement adopted at the meeting, the leaders stressed the importance of carrying out national vaccination campaigns in good conditions, as well as maintaining the integrity of the Union’s Internal Market. Particular attention was paid to issues related to strengthening the capacity to identify new virus variants and adapt vaccines accordingly. Heads of State and Government also exchanged views on the current situation and lessons learned from the pandemic to strengthen the EU’s resilience on the ground, building on recent proposals from the European Commission on the Strategy for the Union for Health and Pharmacy.

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In his speech, the President of Romania referred to the conclusions that have emerged as a result of the process of managing the COVID-19 pandemic since its inception, a year ago and until now. In this context, Klaus Iohannis praised the efforts of the European Commission to manage the pandemic, in terms of purchase and distribution of vaccines, to ensure the functioning of the internal market of the Union, to present initiatives to strengthen the resilience of the EU in the field, such as the recent HERA Incubator: jointly anticipating the threat of COVID-19 variants.

Regarding the vaccination process, the President of Romania highlighted that, despite the delays in the delivery of vaccines and the different rates in the Member States, the evolution is positive at the European level, and vaccination is carried out according to provided.

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Furthermore, Klaus Iohannis pointed out that, at the EU level, it has not been possible to implement a common approach for some pandemic measures, such as restrictions, which differ significantly from one Member State to another in relation to border control or the guarantee of free movement of goods and people.

Regarding vaccination certificates, the President of Romania called for a coordinated and unified approach at European level, arguing that the vaccination certificate should be used for medical purposes and that the process of identifying the technical elements contained in a European certificate should continue. .

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President Klaus Iohannis spoke out in favor of making the European vaccine donation mechanism operational as soon as possible in support of third countries. In this regard, the President of Romania referred to the support announced by our country to the Republic of Moldova, namely the donation of 200,000 doses of vaccine, noting that at the national level legislation was approved that will be donated, in a first stage, more than 20,000 doses to the neighboring state.

President Klaus Iohannis emphasized that in the event of possible similar crises in the future, the lessons learned from the current pandemic are very important, so the experience gained during this period should be harnessed. Taking into account the fact that the pandemic is global, while competences in the field of health are national, the President of Romania supported the need to improve the European architecture in this field to contribute to the consolidation of the European Union. In this context, Iohannis called for the improvement of existing structures and mechanisms for better protection, prevention, preparedness and response at the EU level in case of risks to human health.

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Another topic addressed in the discussions was related to the security and defense of the EU, in a particular context, marked by significant developments at European and global level, including the change of the Administration in Washington, the culmination of the withdrawal process of the United Kingdom. of the Union. European Commission, initiating internal strategic reflection processes on the Common Security and Defense Policy.

In the adopted Declaration, European leaders reaffirmed the EU’s commitment to cooperate closely with NATO, as well as to strengthen partnerships with the UN and key regional partners. Special emphasis was placed on the importance of strengthening transatlantic cooperation on the basis of a coherent and ambitious agenda.

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On this subject, he stressed that our country remains committed to the Union’s efforts in the field of security and defense, to promote the interests and values ​​of the EU, as well as to strengthen its capacity to manage threats and challenges to the security.

President Klaus Iohannis stressed that Romania supports the implementation of the Union’s initiatives in the field of defense and security, while ensuring complete complementarity with NATO, which continues to be the basis of collective defense for those states that They are members of the Alliance.

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The Romanian President expressed his strong support for the strengthening of the political dialogue and the development of the strategic partnership between the EU and NATO, stressing that the transatlantic relationship is essential for the security of the Union.

Regarding the reflection process on the strategic compass, Klaus Iohannis mentioned that it is an opportunity to define and strengthen the Union’s security and defense efforts.

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The Romanian president said the upcoming Conference on the future of the EU should identify ways in which the Union can become stronger, including on a global level. From this point of view, President Klaus Iohannis mentioned the need for the Union to have, in addition to a strong economy, a solid security and defense policy, as well as a foreign policy. In this context, he stressed that the key element of the Union’s action must be the unity of the EU, as the source of its strength, both internally and externally.

In the southern neighborhood, European leaders exchanged views on the recent communication from the European Commission on “A new agenda for the Mediterranean”, which calls for a renewed partnership with the southern neighborhood states and fulfills the strategic objective of ensuring a Stable neighborhood., Safe, Democratic and prosperous Union.

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