Klaus Iohannis, after Romania recorded an unprecedented number of new COVID cases today: “There is no need to talk about postponing local elections” | Politics, Freedom News


The main statements of the head of state:

  • The pandemic is far from over. The phasing out of restrictions and the approach of the cold season in favor of influenza create a sensitive context.

All of this raises concerns. Under no circumstances can we allow the healthcare system to handle a double epidemic of influenza and COVID-19.

  • Maintaining a prudent and responsible attitude is essential. The same protective measures that protect us from COVID-19 also protect us from the flu.
  • Schools started this week. I ask school principals to turn to local authorities and school inspectorates and ask them for all the resources they need. I am referring to the personnel, including medical and technological resources and hygienic-sanitary materials.
  • Today we enact the law that unlocks non-teaching and auxiliary teaching positions.
  • I ask all mayors, councils and school inspectorates to solve all the problems in schools.
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Images with emotional impact!  The mayor of Sângeorz-Băi filmed his daughter sitting on her knees, hands raised, while he argued.  The child is naked and cries.  The mayor accuses the PSD of using the video in an electoral way


Images with emotional impact! The mayor of Sângeorz-Băi filmed his daughter sitting on her knees, hands raised, while he argued. The child is naked and cries. The mayor accuses the PSD of using the video in an electoral way

Education must continue, and that depends on all authorities.

About local elections:

  • Dear Romanians, go to the polls and stamp the candidates who can change the community for the better. Do not let others decide for you.

  • Message for candidates: use all means of communication to present your projects to the Romanians. People expect concrete proposals, not sterile attacks.

Show people what you will do for them and convince them to trust you. The political struggle is a struggle for community projects.

On the increasing number of COVID-19 cases related to local elections and the need for other restrictions:

  • Right now, there is no need to talk about postponing the elections. Things are well organized and we know how to deal with this pandemic.

  • The places where the voting will take place will have protection materials and separate circuits. We can go to vote if we follow all the rules.
  • Relaxation measures were taken when experts said that one measure or another could be taken. I believe that Romania has acted with sufficient caution, but the responsibility of each citizen is necessary.

Currently there are no new restrictions.

About the beginning of the school year:

  • It was a success in these difficult pandemic conditions, as not all schools have problems solved. If we consider the tens of thousands of situations that have been resolved, then we can say that the beginning of this school year was good.

On the diaspora vote in the parliamentary elections:

  • When we promoted voting by mail, we thought it would be good for Romanians in the diaspora to vote even if they cannot make it to the electoral college. So we don’t think about the pandemic, but here is a useful procedure.
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The file of the millionaire accused of attempted murder, secreted by the Bucharest Court.  Mihai Tufan stabbed a woman with repeated stab wounds, but the Prosecutor's Office does not say how many


The file of the millionaire accused of attempted murder, secreted by the Bucharest Court. Mihai Tufan stabbed a woman with repeated stab wounds, but the Prosecutor’s Office does not say how many

I ask Romanians from the diaspora to register to vote by mail, because we do not have a guarantee that polling stations will open in all countries. It is possible that some countries do not organize sections and then Romanians cannot vote.

  • Every now and then new people appear in politics and some are even successful. It is obvious that running is a right of every citizen.
  • We need to get away from that way of doing politics, through attacks, and get closer to the citizenry. People need to know if the problem of schools, hospitals, parks is solved, if the streets are repaired.

That is what people need, do not fear made up.

  • I would not say that new people have to come, we have good people in politics, but I think we need to do a different type of electoral campaign, a campaign focused on the needs of the people.
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  • PSD laughed at the last motion. It would seem completely absurd to me to propose another motion. But if you want, you have all the tools.

On justice and prosecutors:

  • It is premature to say whether we are satisfied or not, but I have high expectations from the Prosecutor’s Office and I have high expectations that the fight against corruption will accelerate.

On the case of Violeta Alexandru:

  • We can implement a project called Educated Romania and with education, these problems are solved.
  • The greater proximity of politicians to citizens also generates this type of case.
  • We can combat this through education.

On participation in local elections:

We had such a case in December 2016 and so far we are following that absenteeism.

I hope it was a lesson and let’s go to the polls.

Klaus Iohannis will answer the questions of journalists in the context in which today, September 16, Romania registered a record number of coronavirus cases in the last 24 hours.

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Authorities today announced the highest number of new COVID-19 cases in a single day, since the start of the pandemic in Romania, 1,713.

The result was obtained after performing 25,991 tests in the last 24 hours.

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