Kelemen Hunor was in Budapest on Saturday and met with Prime Minister Viktor Orban


Kelemen Hunor, the leader of UDMR, was in Budapest on Saturday, where he spoke with Prime Minister Viktor Orban about the future participation of the Hungarian party in the coalition government in Bucharest.

The agreement for a government coalition was announced on Friday night, after being negotiated for ten hours between the leaders of the PNL, USRPLUS and UDMR.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and the leader of the Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR), Kelemen Hunor, had a meeting in Budapest on Saturday afternoon, announced Bertalan Havasi, head of the Hungarian Prime Minister’s press office , quoted by the MTI agency, transmits Agerpres.

During the meeting, the two interlocutors expressed their conviction that the role of UDMR in the future coalition government in Bucharest will be a solid link between Hungary and Romania and can significantly improve bilateral relations.

Kelemen Hunor announced on Friday that, after negotiations with PNL and USR PLUS, UDMR will assume three portfolios in the future government: the Ministry of Public Works and Administrative Development, the Ministry of Environment, Water and Forests and the Ministry of Youth and Sports.

“We had main discussions about a coalition that will last 4 years, a parliamentary stability and a governmental stability after 8 years in which we had 12 governments. I am convinced that in the coming years we will be able to secure the investments necessary to make the economy grow. We will be able to have secure jobs, we will be able to invest in education and health and, under these conditions, we have committed ourselves to participate, to be with our colleagues, to participate in the formation of the parliamentary majority and, of course, to participate in the exercise of the executive functions ”, said the leader of the UDMR after consultations.

Editor: Luana Pavaluca
