Kelemen Hunor explodes after government decision: ‘Reopening restaurants and theaters is an unjustified measure’ – News sources


The leader of the UDMR, Kelemen Hunor, declared, in the program “Eyes on me”, of Aleph News, that the reopening of restaurants and theaters is an unjustified measure, as long as people are left on pilgrimage. “I am convinced that God would not be angry if I did not go to St. Parascheva for a year,” he says.

“If the rules are followed, there is no such need and it is not fair to close restaurants or cafes again, because there, from what I see, there is no high risk of transmitting the virus. And at the same time to leave the game open, to let the world go on an uncountable pilgrimage to Iasi, I am convinced that God is not bothered if you do not make a pilgrimage for a year, because the strength of faith will not depend on these issues . Close theaters and cinemas for what? There is no reason, there is no study, there is no scientific data to show that the virus is transmitted more strongly in theaters and cinemas than in an uncontrolled pilgrimage. We are not talking about artists, creators, who have been living for months. That an actor cannot go on stage, that a director cannot put on a show, it’s a shame, “Kelemen Hunor said on Aleph News’s” Eyes on me. “

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He considers that reopening restaurants is “a big mistake”, a measure taken “then, let’s do something because we have many cases, let’s pretend we work, let’s try to show that we care about everyone’s destiny.”

Kelemen Hunor claims that he unfortunately did not hear the voice of the Minister of Culture in this case.

“This pandemic will change the way we live, until there is no effective medication, things will not change. If we look at the numbers, we see the magnitude of the tragedy, we must ensure a normal life for everyone, in schools, in theaters In restaurants, man is a social being, ”added Kelemen Hunor.
