Journalist Liviu Iancu, author of the novel “Xanax” passes away – Esencial


Liviu Iancu, journalist for and author of the novel “Xanax”, passed away on Monday, writes Liviu Iancu was 45 years old and worked in the press for more than 20 years, spending time in newsrooms such as Mediafax, Naxional, Business Magazin, Capital, where he wrote in the fields of economics and tourism.
“Our colleague Liviu Iancu, the most famous tourism journalist and author of the novel Xanax, left us today. The press loses an extraordinary journalist, with 20 years of experience in a field in which he was the best, loses the talent and humor of the best writer on the team that he joined from day one, in 2015, and a dear friend. May God rest you, Liviu! ” announced.

Liiu Iancu is the author of the novel “Xanax”, a book in which personal and professional experiences are found. The volume had, in eight months, written, more than 10,000 printed copies, in various editions.

A few years ago, Liviu Iancu underwent heart surgery. In an interview for, he told about this experience.

Representative: You were on the brink of death, you had an incredible experience. Has anything changed in the way you perceive life and the world?

Liviu Iancu: Yes, it has changed a lot. I realized that as much as possible I want to do only what I like and not waste my time with things that annoy me. I turned down a triple salary elsewhere just because I like, the people I work with and the program there, I often refused to meet important people, who called me out of interest, just because that day I had a travel trip planned. field with dogs, I meet and talk as much as I can with the people that I like and, here, I decided to honestly leave my experience in a book that I hope will help some to overcome it. difficult times in their lives.
