Jeff Bezos could become the world’s first trillionaire after the coronavirus pandemic


Jeff Bezos’ fortune could exceed the $ 1 trillion threshold by 2026, according to

Although there are currently two companies with a market value of over a trillion dollars, there is currently no person who has achieved this performance.

The next companies that could exceed the trillion dollar threshold are Google or Amazon.

Jeff Bezos’ fortune increased by £ 20 billion in one month

Bezos’ assets rose from £ 125 billion on April 12 to £ 145 billion today, largely due to increased sales by Amazon during the pandemic.

Jeff Bezos is the richest man on the planet, despite a costly divorce that lost 25% of Amazon stock last year.

Business Insider has calculated for those who cannot concretely visualize such an amount: One dollar spent by an average income American is equivalent to 1.3 million dollars spent by Jeff Bezos.

If Jeff Bezos becomes a trillionaire, he will become richer than 178 of the 195 countries in the world, according to his gross domestic product.

The “poorer” countries than Jeff Bezos include the Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Switzerland.
